Welcome to the Department of Developmental Services

California Department of Developmental Services (DDS)
The California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) provides services and supports people with developmental disabilities.
The California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) operates Developmental Centers, the 24 hours residential institutes, and Regional Centers which provide services to people staying at home. There are also 21 nonprofit regional centers available for accessing the services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. In California, the “Lanterman Act” was passed in 1969 to ensure people with developmental disabilities and their families have a right to receive the services and support they need to live as independent and normal lives as possible like people without disabilities.
To be eligible for services, the person must have a disability before the person’s 18th birthday and the diagnosis is made/evaluated by regional centers. Developmental disabilities include intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, and related conditions. Services are provided through state-operated centers and facilities. The DDS is responsible for providing living and work arrangements arrangement for California residents with developmental disabilities. The following is a list of supportive services and living arrangements.
Supportive Services and Living Arrangements
- Day Program Services
- Education Services
- Work Services Program
- Supported Employment
- Work Activity Programs
- Supported Living Services
- Affordable Housing
- Family Home Agency
- Foster Family Agency
- Independent Living
- In-Home Supportive Services
- Respite Services
- Transportation Services