Bahiyyih Hardacre Meyrath, Ph.D.

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College of Education
Applied and Advanced Studies in Education
Office KHC-2059

Background and Experience

I joined Cal State LA and the M.A. in TESOL Program in 2015. Some of my research interests include critical discourse analysis and conversation analysis, language pedagogy, language assessment, second/foreign language acquisition and learning, and neurobiology and cognition research on language learning and use. 

I started teaching back in 1996! Through these many years, I acquired experience teaching at various levels and background settings, both in Brazil (my home country) and in the U.S., ranging from secondary grades to higher education, and from ESL/EFL classes to content areas in applied linguistics and English composition.

At Cal State LA, I have served as chair on several M.A. theses and Ed.D. dissertations on a range of areas, listed below.

M.A. Theses

Thesis Title




Co-participation in Interview Outcomes for Latinx University Students: A Conversation Analytic Approach

Michelle Myers Lovasz

M.A. Thesis


Teacher Use of Social Media Websites in Saudi Arabia

Razan Abdullah Aldakhil

M.A. Thesis


ShadowTalk: A Prosody Training App for English Language Learners

Patryk Mrozek

M.A. Project


Analysis and Treatment of Comma Splices in Chinese L2 English Compositions

Mark Howard Sullivan

M.A. Thesis


Language Identity and Economic Outcomes Among Spanish Bilinguals

Rebecca Ash-Cervantes

M.A. Thesis



Ed.D. Dissertations

Dissertation Title




An Analysis of Classroom Teachers' Perceptions about the Referral Process in Special Education

Robert Calderon

Ed.D. Dissertation


Keeping up with the Kinders: Supporting the Developmental Needs of Young Children to Prepare the for the Primary Grades

Diane Dolores Lucero

Ed.D. Dissertation


Proactive Design and Inclusive Practices: Universal Design for Learning in HIgher Education

Denia Guadalupe Bradshaw

Ed.D. Dissertation


Hidden Struggles: Silent Voices of Latino Immigrants in Early Childhood Education Programs

Norma Castillo 

Ed. D. Dissertation


Examining the Effects of Culture and Mandated Remote Learning on College Students' Sense of Belonging

James A. Villela

Ed.D. Dissertation


My non-teaching work experience is also varied and includes positions such as Director of Education and teacher trainer for ESL schools, Oral Examiner and Rater for both the University of Cambridge and University of Michigan ESOL proficiency exams, coordinator for the Test of Oral Proficiency for TAs at UCLA, and ESL Specialist Rater for the California Analytical Writing Placement Exam. Other relevant professional service positions I have held include: Chair of the TESOL Applied Linguistics Interest Section (ALIS); Chair of the CATESOL College and University Level; Coordinator of the CATESOL CSU Interest Group; member of the CATESOL Board of Directors; Editor-in-Chief for the Issues in Applied Linguistics journal.


  • Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics. University of California Los Angeles, 2015.

  • M.A. in Applied Linguistics & TESFL. University of California Los Angeles, 2009.

  • B.A. in Language and Literature. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil), 2005.

TESOL Training and Certificates

  • Teaching English as a second and Foreign Language Certificate, 2009. University of California, Los Angeles.

  • Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT), 2006. University of Cambridge.

  • Cambridge In-service Certificate in English Language Teaching (ICELT), 2005 (awarded with ‘Distinction’). University of Cambridge.

  • Cambridge ESOL Oral Examiner Certification, 2005. University of Cambridge.

  • ACE ELT Teaching Certificate, 2004. Rhodes University.

  • Cambridge ESOL: Reading and Writing Skills, 2004. University of Cambridge.

  • Cambridge ESOL: Speaking and Listening Skills, 2003. University of Cambridge.

Relevant Teaching Experience

  • Associate Professor | Cal State LA

    • TESOL Program

      • TESL 5600: Theories of Teaching and Learning Second Languages – Graduate

      • TESL 5610: Pedagogical Grammar – Graduate

      • TESL 5660: English Phonetics for Second Language Teachers – Graduate

      • TESL 5670: Language Testing – Graduate

      • TESL 5710: Discourse Analysis in Language Research – Graduate

      • TESL 5730: Special Topics: Pragmatics in Language Teaching

      • TESL 5750: Reading and Writing Connections – Graduate

      • TESL 4000: Linguistics in Language Education – Undergraduate and Graduate

      • EDUC 4000: Improving Academic Literacy – Undergraduate and Graduate

    • Educational Foundations – Graduate

      • EDFN 5000: Research Methods in Education

    • Ed. D. Program in Educational Leadership

      • TESOL 6020: Academic Writing for Success – Graduate

      • EDAD 6260: Designing and Writing the Doctoral Dissertation Proposal – Graduate

    • Credential Programs, Supervised Teaching

      • EDSP 4890: Demonstration of Competencies, Directed Teaching for Mild to Moderate Credential 

      • EDEL 4880: Directed Teaching, Multiple Subject

      • EDSE 4453: Single Subject Traditional Directed Teaching 

    • B.A. in Urban Learning

      • ULRN 4600: Assessment and Learning – Undergraduate

      • ULRN 4190: Senior Seminar in Urban Schooling: Reading, Writing, and Reflection – Undergraduate

  • Lecturer | University of California, Los Angeles

    • Writing Programs

      • English Composition 495: Training of ESL Teaching Assistants – Graduate

      • English Composition 2i: University Writing – Undergraduate

      • ESL 105: Advanced Grammar and Style for Multilingual Students – Graduate and Undergraduate

      • ESL 25: Academic Reading and Writing – Graduate and Undergraduate

      • ESL 26: Business Communication, Speaking – Graduate and Undergraduate

      • ESL 27: Business Communication, Writing – Graduate and Undergraduate

      • ESL 32: Conversation and Interaction for Academic Purposes – Graduate and Undergraduate

      • ESL 33B: Intermediate English for Academic Purposes – Graduate and Undergraduate

      • ESL 33C: Advanced English for Academic Purposes – Graduate and Undergraduate

      • ESL 34: Public Speaking for Academic Purposes – Graduate and Undergraduate

      • ESL 35: University Writing – Graduate and Undergraduate

      • ESL 97: Business Communication – Graduate and Undergraduate

    • Department of Applied Linguistics

      • Applied Linguistics 110/ 210: Methodology for Second/ Foreign/ Heritage Language Education – Graduate and Undergraduate

      • Applied Linguistics 101: Introduction to Language Learning and Teaching – Undergraduate

  • Associate Adjunct Professor | Santa Monica College

    • ESL Department

      • ESL 11A: Basic English 1 – Undergraduate

      • ESL 11B: Basic English 2 – Undergraduate

      • ESL 21A: English Fundamentals 1 – Undergraduate

      • ESL 21B: English Fundamentals 2 – Undergraduate

      • ESL 25: Composition Fundamentals Review – Undergraduate


Under Contract

Kelly, J., Hardacre. B. Stylistic maneuverus: Rhetorical strategies for English language learners. University of Michigan Press. Manuscript in Preparation.


Kamhi-Stein, L., Hardacre, B., Kelley, J. (2024). Navigating the English language classroom: Effective practices for novice teachers. University of Michigan Press.

Hardacre, B. (2023). Assessing university students’ writing development and performance during remote instruction. In K. Sadeghi (Ed.), Technology-Assisted Language Assessment in Diverse Contexts: Lessons from the Transition to Online Testing During COVID-19. Routledge.

Maamuujav, U., & Hardacre. B. (2022). The politics and praxis of academic English: Towards antiracist language pedagogy. TESOL Journal.

Hardacre, B., & Guvendir, E. (2022). The neurophysiology of second language learning. In J. I. Liontas, TESOL International Association, & M. DelliCarpini (Eds.) The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching. Wiley-Blackwell. 

Guvendir, E., & Hardacre, B. (2022). The role of social interaction of brain development and language acquisition. In J. I. Liontas, TESOL International Association, & M. DelliCarpini (Eds.) The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching. Wiley-Blackwell. 

Hardacre, B., Hafner, A., Nakama, P. (2021) The impact of test anxiety on teacher credential candidates. Teacher Education Quarterly, 48(3).

Hardacre, B. (2020). Psychophysiological methods in language research: Rethinking embodiment in studies of linguistic behaviors. Lexington Books.

Hardacre, B., & Guvendir, E., (2020). Second language learning anxiety. In J. I. Liontas, TESOL International Association, & M. DelliCarpini (Eds.) The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching (2nd ed., pp. 1-7). Wiley-Blackwell.

Guvendir, E., & Hardacre, B. (2020). Task-based language teaching and grammar. In J. I. Liontas, TESOL International Association, & M. DelliCarpini (Eds.) The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching (2nd ed., pp. 1-6). Wiley-Blackwell.

Hardacre, B. & Snow, M.A. (2020). Teaching pedagogical grammar in English language teacher education. In D. Banegas (Ed.), Understanding language in English language teacher education: International voices in practice and research. Bloomsbury. 

Hardacre, B., & Guvendir, E., (2018). Cognitive perspectives in teaching speaking. In J. I. Liontas, TESOL International Association, & M. DelliCarpini (Eds.) The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching (pp. 1-7). Wiley-Blackwell.

Guvendir, E., & Hardacre, B. (2018). Listening and different age groups. In J. I. Liontas, TESOL International Association, & M. DelliCarpini (Eds.) The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching (pp. 1-7). Wiley-Blackwell.

Hardacre Cerqueira, B. (2015). Behavioral and psychophysiological correlates of conversation. Doctoral dissertation. Available from 

Hardacre, B. (2013). The biological and psychological correlates of social engagement behaviors in second language acquisition. In A. Joaquin & J. Schumann (Eds.) Exploring the Interactional Instinct. Foundations of Human Interaction Series. Oxford University Press.

Avineri, N., Londe, Z., Hardacre, B., & Carris, L. (2011). The UCLA Test of Oral Proficiency: A model for assessing and addressing English proficiency of international teaching assistants. Issues in Applied Linguistics, 18(2).

Hardacre Cerqueira, B. (2009). The biological and psychological correlates of social engagement behaviors in second language acquisition. Unpublished MA thesis. University of California, Los Angeles.

Hardacre, B. (2009). The interactional instinct [Review of the book Interactional Instinct: The evolution and acquisition of language, by N. Lee et al]. Issues in Applied Linguistics, 17(2).

Guvendir, E., & Hardacre, B. (2009). Increasing adult second language learning efficiency through the stimulus of the dopamine reward system to counterbalance decrease in plasticity after critical period age”, 7th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities Proceedings, pp. 2291-2302.

Hardacre, B. (2008). Once and future directions in language teaching and life: An interview with Marianne Celce-Murcia. Issues in Applied Linguistics, 16(2).