Barry Hibbs

Barry Hibbs sampling water well with colleagues in Ciudad Juarez
College of Natural & Social Sciences
Department of Geosciences and Environment
Office ASCL161


One of the key subdisciplines in the environmental sciences is hydrology. This field is concerned with the occurrence, movement, availability, and chemical quality of groundwater resources. My teaching and research program at California State University, Los Angeles is committed to providing students with basic and advanced hydrogeologic tools, as well as a working knowledge of the fundamental principals and theory of hydrogeology.


  • Basic and Advanced Hydrogeology
  • Vadose Zone Hydrology
  • Watershed Analysis
  • Hydrochemistry and Isotope Hydrology
  • Field Methods in Hydrology


My present research interests include numerical flow and solute tranport modeling, chemistry of dilute and saline waters, isotope and contaminant hydrology, stream/aquifer interactions, and the application of surface and borehole geophysical techniques to hydrogeologic problems and to problems of contaminant transport.  Research areas include arid basins in the southwestern US and Mexico, urban areas in southern California, and coastal wetlands and watersheds along the Pacific Coast.   

PUBLICATIONS (Papers): 2024 to 2025 

Hibbs, B. Forthcoming 2025. Analyzing Aquifer Flow Capacity and Fossil Hydraulic Gradients Through Numerical Modeling -Implications for Climate Change and Waste Disposal in Arid Basins. Environments2025
Hibbs, B. 2024. Hydrogeological, Hydrochemical, and Geophysical Analysis of a Brine-Contaminated Aquifer Addressing Non-Unique Interpretations of Vertical Electrical Sounding Curves. Water 16(24), 3557;
Hibbs, B., Bautista, C., Alwood, L., and Drummond, M. 2024. Hydrogeologic and Hydrochemical Inputs to Emerging Wetlands on the Shores of the Receding Salton Sea, California. Journal of the American Water Resources Association  60, 3.
Hibbs, B.J.; Eastoe, C.J.; Merino, M. 2024. Issues of Bias in Groundwater Quality Data Sets in an Irrigated Floodplain Aquifer of Variable Salinity. Geosciences 14, 66. geosciences140300662024


B.S. Geology, 1985

  • Arizona State University

M.S. Hydrogeology, 1989

  • University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Ph.D. Hydrogeology, 1993

  • University of Texas at Austin


2023  Keith E. Anderson Award for exemplary service to the National Ground Water Association

2022  Author of Successful Petition to Have Cal-State University LA Certified as a Non Land-Grant College of Agriculture (NLGCA) by USDA-NIFA 

2021  CSULA Provost Fellow

2018  Conference Best Paper Award, 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, American Academy of Sciences

2018  Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award, Cal-State University LA Graduate College (one of five recognized annually campus wide)    

2016  Invited Plenary Keynote Speaker at 8th International Conference on Environmental Science and  Technology, American Academy of Sciences

2016  Guest Editor and Organizer of Theme Issue of Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education (Groundwater in Urban Areas Theme Issue)

2015  Phi Kappa Phi, National Collegiate Academic Honor Society, California State University LA         

2014  Outstanding Professor Award, California State University LA (one of five annually campus wide)

2012  Elected Fellow, Geological Society of America (one of 60 Nationally, based on outstanding research and mentoring in hydrology)

2011  Guest Editor and Organizer of Theme Issue of Environmental and Engineering Geoscience Journal (Urban Hydrogeology Theme Issue, with John M. Sharp Jr. as Co-Guest Editor)

2008  Guest Editor and Organizer of Theme Issue of Ground Water Journal (Arid Zone Hydrogeology Theme Issue)

2007  Conference Poster Award, 3rd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, American Academy of Sciences

2002  Early tenure awarded based on outstanding teaching and research, CSULA


PI on grant proposal “Competitive Water Availability for Agriculture, Wetlands, and Dust Mitigation in Salton Sea Area” ($300,000): Awarded by US Department of Agriculture – Non Land Grand College of Agriculture Program (2024-2027). 

PI on grant "Comparative Analysis of Watershed Transferable Function in East River and Southern California Watersheds" ($680,000): Awarded by Department of Energy (2023-2026).

PI on grant "Training Undergraduate Students in Experiential Research, the Nexus Between Urban Natural Resources Management and Urban Agriculture" ($750,000): Awarded by US Department of Agriculture - National Institute of Food and Agriculture (2023-2028). 

PI on grant “Growing Food in the City – Urban Food Gardens for Research and Education” ($274,924): Awarded by US Department of Agriculture – National Institute of Food and Agriculture (2020-2025).