Professor of Sociology
Director and Adviser for Law and Society Program
Internship and Service Learning Coordinator
Sociology of Law; Work and Occupations; Environmental Policy, Law, and Society; Medical Sociology and Bioethics; Sociology of the Professions; Sociology of Science and Technology; Organizations.
Law and Society; Health and Health Policy; Environmental and Workplace Hazards; New Genetic and Biomedical Technologies; Women in the Workplace; Bioethics; and Government and Corporate Policy.
The Company Doctor book information
Risky Business book information
Date |
Publications/Presentations |
2005 (paper) 2003 (cloth) | The Company Doctor: Risk, Responsibility, and Corporate Professionalism. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. |
1991 | Risky Business: Genetic Testing and Exclusionary Practices in the Hazardous Workplace. New York: Cambridge University Press; recipient of the Robert K. Merton Book Award, American Sociological Association, Sociology of Science, Knowledge, and Technology, 1993; Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Book Award, 1993; and 1992 C. Wright Mills Book Award Honorable Mention. |
2013 |
“Drug Testing in the Workplace.” In Sociology of Work, edited by Vicki Smith. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. |
2012 |
“Health and Corporate Power in the Workplace and Beyond.” Conference of the Atelier Santé, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, on Caring Outside the Hospital: Medical Work, Care Practices, and Health Inequalities in a Dehospitalized World, Paris (November). |
2012 | “Lawyers and the Professional Project.” Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Honolulu (June). |
2012 | “Cultivating Professionalism in a World of Divided Loyalties.” Pacific Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Diego (March). |
2011 | “Occupational Health Nursing and the Quest for Professional Authority” (with Joseph LaDou and Dan J. Tennenhouse). New Solutions 21 No. 1 (March): 57-88. |
2011 |
“Citizenship and Human Rights at Work.” Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco (June). |
2008 | “Difficult Reputations and the Social Reality of Occupational Medicine.” New Solutions 18 No. 3 (September): 299-316. |
2008 | “Critical Social Issues and Policy Dilemmas in Workplace Genetic Testing.” American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, San Diego (October). |
2007 | “Walking the Tightrope of Conflicting Loyalties: The Dilemmas of The Company Doctor.” ACOEM eNews (January). |
2005 | “Contested Environmental Hazards in Corporate Policymaking and Public Disputes.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (August). |
2001 | “Reproductive Hazards and Fetal Exclusion Policies After Johnson Controls.” Stanford Law and Policy Review 12 (Winter): 117-142. |
2000 |
“Genetic Secrets: Social Issues of Medical Screening in a Genetic Age.” In Life Choices: A Hastings Center Introduction to Bioethics (second edition), edited by Joseph H. Howell and William Frederick Sale. Baltimore, Maryland: Georgetown University Press. |
2000 | “Competing Conceptions of Safety: High-Risk Workers or High-Risk Work?” In Illness and the Environment, edited by Steve Kroll-Smith, Phil Brown, and Valerie J. Gunter. New York: New York University Press. |
1999 | “Preventive Law by Corporate Professional Team Players: Liability and Responsibility in the Work of Company Doctors.” Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy 15 (Spring): 525-607. |
1999 |
“The Screening of America: The Social and Legal Framework of Employers’ Use of Genetic Information.” Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law 20 No. 2 (Fall). |
- Ph.D. Sociology 1985
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, California
J.D. 1999
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California -
B.A. Sociology and Women's Studies 1976
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, California