My areas of interest include large-scale systems, stability, decentralized control, neural networks, and vibration control. I am the former chair of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. As a professor at Cal State L.A. I have taught undergraduate and graduate level courses in the area of control systems. Since 1994 I have received grants of $19,770,000 to conduct research in the areas of Decentralized Control, Neural Networks and Multimedia Technology.
I am a senior member of IEEE and a member of the National Engineering Department Heads Association. My recent awards include the NASA Faculty Research Award (2011), Distinguished Women Award (2004), CSULA Wang Family Excellence Award Nomination (2001), Engineering Council Educator of the Year Award (2000), the Cal State L.A. Outstanding Professor Award (1995), NASA Technical Brief (1991), Cal State L.A. ECE Department Professor of the Year award (1988), and Department of Energy Fellow (1988). Among my honorary memberships are the Phi Kappa Phi, Tau Beta Pi, Who's Who in Frontiers of Science and Technology, Who's Who in the World, 2,000 Notable American Women, and Distinguished Leadership Award for Excellence in Engineering Education.
I was born in Katerini, Macedonia, Greece.
Educational Background
Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, 1979
Ph.D. Dissertation: "Stability of Large Scale Systems"
Advisor: Wiley E. Thompson
M.S. Electrical Engineering, 1976
B.S. Electrical Engineering, 1974
New York Institute of Technology
2009-14 Structures, Propulsion, Aerospace, and Control Engineering", NASA URC Center, $5,000,000, Director
2003-08 Structures, Propulsion, Aerospace, and Control Engineering", NASA URC Center, $6,000,000, Senior Co-PI
2003-06 NASA Minority University and College Education and Research Partnership Initiative in Space Science (MURCERPI), $795,000, Co- PI.
2003- Strengthen Education in Engineering and Research STEER, NSF, $150,000, PI.
2003-08 The Design of The Next Generation Space Telescope, TRW/NASA, $550,000, PI.
2003-04 Neural Network Control Design for Segmented Telescopes, Parsons Foundation, $50,000, PI.
2002-03 The Use of Lyapunov Theory to Develop Learning Framework for FNNs, NASA/Dryden, $30,779, PI.
1994-02 The Use of Decentralized Control in Design of A Large Segmented Space Reflector, NASA, $5,300,000, PI.
2002-05 CSULA/USC Collaborative to Integrate Research and Education, National Science Foundation, $600,000, PI.
2001-04 Multidisciplinary Analysis and Control of High Performance Air Vehicles, US Air Force, $800,000, Co-PI.
1996-00 Identification Techniques for Large Spaceborne Optical Systems, Lockheed-Martin, Student Research Fellowships, $30,000, Faculty Advisor.
1996 MATLAB, Lottery Funds, $3,500
1991-94 Decentralized Control of Large Spaceborne Optical Systems NASA/JPL, $434,701, PI
1991 Women in Engineering, ECSE Program, $10,500, PI.
1987 Expansion of a Control Systems Laboratory, Lottery Funds, $20,000, PI
I am the Professor and the Director of the SPACE NASA University Research Center, California State University, Los Angeles.
The Structures, Propulsion, And Control Engineering (SPACE) University Research Center (URC) was established in 2003 at the California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA) with NASA funding of $6 million. The Center recently received a NASA award of $5 million to continue research for the next five years. The URC is composed of two laboratories: the Structures Pointing and Control Engineering (SPACE) laboratory and the Multidisciplinary Flight Dynamics and Control (MFDC) laboratory. The SPACE University Research Center (URC) works in partnership with Dryden Flight Research Center (DFRC) as the lead NASA center, and JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) as the secondary NASA center. In addition, the URC has a close collaboration with Boeing Company and Northrop Grumman Corporation. The major areas of research in the URC are directly related to the missions of the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), and Combustion) and Exploration Systems Mission Directorate (James Webb Space Telescope), addressing and supporting some of these missions' key challenges.
1. "Stability and Decentralization of Interconnected Systems," with W.E. Thompson and D. Boussalis, Proc. 21st Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp 486-494, 1978 (I).
2. "Vector Lyapunov Functions and Stability of Decentralized Systems," with W.E. Thompson and D. Boussalis, Proc IEEE Region V Annual Conference, pp 149-66, 1979.
3. "Stability of Large-Scale Systems", with W. E. Thompson and D. Boussalis Proc. 10th Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, pp 633-637, 1979 (I).
4. "Stability of a Class of Decentralized Systems," with D. Boussalis and W.E. Thompson, Proc 22nd Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp 69-73, 1979.
5. "Vector Lyapunov Functions and Stability of Decentralized Systems," with W.E. Thompson and D. Boussalis, Proc 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling, pp 601-610, 1979.
6. "Stability of Large Scale Systems", Ph.D. Dissertation, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, 1979.
7. "Asymptotic Stability of Large-Scale Systems", Proc. 11th Annual Pittsburgh Conf. on Modeling and Simulation, 1980.
8. "Exponential Stability of Large-Scale Systems with Stable and Unstable Components", with S.D. Martinez and W. E. Thompson, Proc 1980 International Conference on Circuits and Computers, pp 636-639, 1980.
9. "Stability of a Class of Discrete-Time Interconnected Systems," with D. Boussalis, Proc. 14th Asilomar Conference on Circuits Systems and Computers, pp 509-511, 1980.
10. "Stability of a Class of Discrete-Time Interconnected Systems," with S. D. Martinez, Proc. International Congress on Applied Systems Research and Cybernetics, Vol 5, pp 2639-2643, 1980 (I).
11. "Modeling and Stability Analysis of a Multi-Loop Antenna System", Proc. 12th Annual Pittsburgh Conference , 1981 (I).
12. "Vector Lyapunov Functions and Stability of Stochastic Decentralized Systems," with D. Boussalis, Proc. 15th Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computers, pp 263-266, 1981.
13. "Analysis and Design of a Third Order System", Proc. 13th Annual Pittsburgh Conf., 1982.
14. "Lyapunov Stability of Discrete-Time Large Scale Systems", Proc. 14th Annual Pittsburgh Conference, 1983. (I).
15. "Optimization and Stability of Decentralized Systems", Proc. 15th Annual Pittsburgh Conf., 1984 (I).
16. "Stable Decentralized Control of Flexible Space Structures", Proc. 18th Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems, and Computers, pp. 667‑673, 1984.
17. "Lyapunov Stability of Flexible Space Structures", Proc. 16th Annual Pittsburgh Conf. 1985 (I).
18. "Modeling and Stability Analysis of a Class of Flexible Space Structures", Proc. 19th Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems, and Computers, pp. 345‑348, 1985.
19. "Stability of Flexible Space Structures", Proc. 17th Annual Pittsburgh Conf., 1986 (I).
20. "A Vector Lyapunov Function Approach to the Stabilization of Stochastic Interconnected Systems," Proc 1986 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pp 1539-1542, 1986.
21. "A Multiple Feedback Approach to Vibration Suppression in Flexible Systems", Proc. 18th Annual Pittsburgh Conf., 1987.
22. "Vibration Suppression in Large Flexible Space Structures", Proceedings of 1987 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1987 (I).
23. "Vibration Suppression in Flexible Systems Via Decentralized Control," Proc. 19th Annual Pittsburgh Conf., 1988.
24. "The Use of Decentralized Control on the Vibration Suppression in Large Flexible Dynamic Systems," Proc. 22nd Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computers, pp. 710-714, 1988.
25. "Figure Control Concepts for Segmented Reflector Telescopes,' Proc 1989 SPIE Conf. on Active Telescope Systems, 1989 (I).
26. "A Decentralized Approach to Vibration Suppression in Segmented Reflector Telescopes," Proc. 1989 ACC. (I).
27. "Vibration Control of Multi-Panel Space Telescopes," Proc. 20th Annual Pittsburgh Conf., 1989 (I).
28. "Modeling and Stability of a Segmented Reflector Telescope," with C.-H.C. Ih, proc. 23rd Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computers, pp. 542-546, 1989.
29. "Modeling and Simulation of a Segmented Reflector Telescope: The Three-Dimensional Case," with C.-H. C. Ih, Proc. 21st Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, pp. 1065-2070, 1990 .
30. "Modeling and Stability of Segmented Reflector Telescopes: A Decentralized Approach", 1990 ACC.
31. "The Application of Neural Networks to Control Systems," Proc. 24th Asilomar Conference on Circuits, 1990 (I).
32. "Decentralization and Stability Analysis of Segmented Reflector Telescopes: The 3-D Case," Proc. 24th Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computers, pp. 148-151, 1990.
33. "Dynamic Performance Modeling and Stability Analysis of a Segmented Reflector Telescope", with H.C. Briggs and C.-H.C. Ih, Proc 1991 Automatic Control Conference, pp. 1705-1706, 1991 (I).
34. "Neural Network Implementation to Control Systems: A Survey of Algorithms and Techniques", Proc. 25th Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computers, pp 1123-1127, 1991.
35. "Neural Networks That Can be Used to Generate Test Vectors for VLSI Hardware", with D. Holloway and P. Tai, Proc. 23rd Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, 1992.
36. "Comparison of Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic Control Systems", Proc 1992 ACC 1992.
37. "The Use of Neural Networks to Generate Test Vectors for VLSI Circuits", Proc. 1992 Government Microcircuit Applications Conference, pp 345-348, 1992.
38. "Decentralized Control of Large Spaceborne Optical Systems", Proc. IASTED International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, Pittsburgh, 1993.
39. "The 3-D Modeling of a Segmented Reflector Telescope", IASTED International Conf. on Modeling and Simulation, 1993.
40. "Decentralization of Large Spaceborne Telescopes", Proc. 1994 SPIE Symposium on Astronomical Telescopes, 1994.
41. "Vibration Suppression Control of a Large Telescope Using Decentralized Control", Proc. 1994 ACC.
42. "The Use of Finite Element Modeling and Decentralized Techniques in Control of Long-Reach Manipulators," Proc 1994 American Control Conference, Baltimore, 1994.
43. "Finite Element Modeling and Decentralized Control Techniques for a Long-Reach Manipulator," with M. Mirmirani, Proc Third International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision, Singapore, 1994.
44. "Robotic Tank Waste Retrieval," with M. Mirmirani, Proc. ASEE Conference, Edmonton, Canada, 1994.
45. "Decentralization and PID Controller Design For Large-Spaceborne Telescopes," IASTED International Conference on Applied Modeling, Simulation and Optimization, Pittsburgh, 1995.
46. "The Use of Neural Networks to Control a Segmented Reflector Telescope," IASTED International Conference on Applied Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization, Pittsburgh 1995.
47. "A Decentralized Approach to Control Civil Structures," with H. Hashemian, Automatic Control Conference, Seattle, 1995.
48. "A Decentralized Approach to Control Bridges", with H. Hashemian, IASTED International Conference, Mexico, 1995.
49. "Vibration Control of a Segmented Reflector Using Neural Networks", IASTED International Conf., 1995.
50. "Dynamic Performance Modeling and Decentralization of a Segmented Reflector Telescope," IASTED International Conference, Cancun, Mexico, 1995.
51. "Optimal Design of a Truss Structure for a Segmented Reflector," ASME Conference, Boston, 1995.
52. "Neural Network Based Identification of a Large Segmented Space Reflector," 3rd IEEE Mediterranean Symposium On New Directions in Control and Automation, Limassol, Cyprus, July, 1995.
53. "Decentralized Pole Placement Control of a Precision Segmented Reflector," IASTED International Conference on Computer Application in Industry, Cairo, Egypt, 1995.
54. "A Decentralized Approach to Control Bridges Using Pole Placement and LQR Techniques," IASTED International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry, Cairo, Egypt, 1995.
55. "Decentralized Control of Large Flexible Space Telescope Using H2 Control," IASTED International Conf., Austria, 1996.
56. "The Application of H-infinity Control Law to a Decentralized Segmented Reflector," IASTED/SCS Conf., Australia, 1996.
57. "Decentralized Control of a Large Precision Segmented Reflector Using H2 (LQG) Control Technique, " CDC, 1996.
58. "Use of H-infinity Control Law for the Decentralized Control of a Large Flexible Space Telescope, " IASTED International Conference, 1996.
59. "A Neural Network Controller for Vibration Control of a Large Segmented Space Reflector, " IEEE 4th Mediterranean Symposium on Control and Automation, 1996.
60. "The Use of Decentralized Control in Design of a Large Segmented Space Reflector, " 1996 NASA grant Final Report, 1996.
61. "The Control and Structures Research Laboratory (CSRL) - A Control Oriented Test-Bed for Large Segmented Reflectors, " with Mirmirani, M., Rad, K., Ahmed, M., 5th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems, Cyprus, 1997
62. "Adaptive and Neural Techniques for Identification and Control of a Large Segmented Reflector," with Kosmatopoulos, E.B., Ahmed, M., Ioannou, P.A., Chassiakos, A., Mirmirani, M., IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 1997.
63. "Neural Network Control of Unkown Nonlinear Systems," with Kosmatopoulos, E.B., Ioannou P., 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC'97, December 1997.
64. "The Use of Decentralized Control in the Design of a Large Segmented Space Reflector," with Mirmirani, M., Rad, K., Morales, M., Velazquez, E., Chassiakos, A.G., Luzardo, J.A., NASA URC Technical Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Febuary, 1997.
65. "Adjustable Neural Network Controller: Application to a Large Segmented Reflector", with Lazardo, J.A., Chassiakos A., Proceedings of American Control Conference, ACC97, Albuquerque NM., June 1997.
66. "Time Domain System Identification & Robust Control of a Large Segmented Reflector", with Ahmed, M., Li, K., Kosmatopoulos, E.B., Mirmirani, M., Chassiakos, A., Ioannou, P.A., 1998 ACC
67. "Adaptive Control of Multivariable Nonlinear System with Application to a Large Segmented Reflector", with Kosmatopoulos, E.B., Mirmirani, M., Ioannou, P.A., ACC 1998
68. "A Control Oriented Test-Bed for Large Segmented Reflectors", with Mirmirani, M., Et. Al , 1998 NASA URC Technical Conference.
69. "Neural & Adaptive Control Algorithms for Large Segmented Reflectors", with Kosmatopoulos, E.B., Ioannou, P.A., Mirmirani, M., NASA URC Technical Conference, Alabama, 1998.
70. "Robust, Decentralized, Adaptive, and Neural Control of a Large Segmented Reflector", with Kosmatopoulos, E.B., Chassiakos, A., Mirmirani, M., Ioannou, P., 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa, Florida, December 1998.
71. "Neural Network of Multivariable Nonlinear Systems with Application to a Large Segmented Reflector", with Kosmatopoulos, E.B., Chassiakos, A., Mirmirani, M., Ioannou, P., ISIAC 98, Alaska, 1998.
72. "Design Simulation & Control of a Segmented Reflector Test-bed", with Morales, M., Mirmirani, M., The Mediterranean Conference in Control and Automation, Haifa, Israel, June 1999.
73. "Neural Controllers for Hypersonic Vehicles", with Mirmirani, M., Kosmatopoulos, E.B., Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, February 1999.
74. "Control of a Segmented Reflector Test-bed", with Mirmirani, M., The Third IMACS International Conference on Circuits Systems Communications and Computers, June 1999.
75. "Centralized, Decentralized and Overlapping Control Techniques for a Large Segmented Telescope", with Kosmatopoulos, E.B., Ioannou, P.A., 38th IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 2000.
76. "Adaptive Conrol for Large Space Reflectors", with Mirmirani, M. and Kosmatopoulos, E.B., IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, submitted, 2000.
77. "Control Techniques for a Large Segmented Reflector", with Mirmirani, M. and Kosmatopoulos, E.B., IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, submitted, 2000.
78. "Robust Adaptive Sliding Control of Linearizable Systems", with Xu, H., Mirmirani, M., and Ioannou, P., submitted to the American Control Conference, 2001.
79. "Robust Adaptive Sliding Control for a Class of MIMO Nonlinear Systems", with Xu, H., Mirmirani, M., and Ioannou, P., submitted to AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Montreal, Canada, August 2001.
80. "Control Hypersonic Vehicle by A Sliding Mode Method", with Xu, H., Mirmirani, M., and Ioannou, P., 11th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Santa Barbara, February 2001.
81. "Robust Adaptive Control of Linearizable Systems with Saturated Input," with H. Xu, M. Mirmirani, IFAC Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2001.
82. "Structures, Pointing, and Control Engineering, a Segmented Reflector Test Bed, " with Florakis, D., and Mirmirani, M., IASTED International Conference on Control and Application, Cancun, Mexico, June 2002.
83. "The Use of Decentralized Direct Adaptive Control in Design of a Large Segmented Space Reflector", with Abdullah, A., Khoshafian, A., Rad, K., submitted to International Symposium of Intelligent Control, October 5-8, Houston, Texas, 2003.
84. "The Use of Parallel Processing to Achieve Decentralized Control of a Segmented Reflector Telescope", with Rad, K., Liu, C., Dong, J., Abdullah, A., Fallorina, S., Khoshafian, A., submitted to International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, June 23-26, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2003.
85. "3-D Animation for a Segmented Space Reflector Telescope", with Liu, C., Dong., J., Rad, K., Poulis, C., Chen, L., Fellorina, S., the 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2003), Orlando, USA, July 27-30, 2003.
86. "Performance Comparison of Compression Methods for Segmented Space Reflector Telescope Image", with Dong, J., Liu, C., Rad, K., the 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2003), Orlando, USA, July 27-30, 2003.
87. "On The Design And Implementation Of User-Friendly Interface For Scientific And Engineering Applications", with W. Sun, Y. Chen, C. W. Liu, K. Rad, J. Dong , WSEAS Multiconference 2003, Grecotel Rethymna Beach, Crete Island, Greece, October 2003.
88. "Application Of Decentralized Neural Control On Space Reflector", with A. Khoshafian, K. Rad, J. Dong, C. Liu, S. Fallorina A. Chassiakos, E. Kosmatopoulos, WSEAS Multiconference 2003, Grecotel Rethymna Beach, Crete Island, Greece, October 2003.
89. "Fault-Tolerant Parallel Implementation of Decentralized Control for a Segmented Telescope Test-bed", with S. Fallorina, K. Rad, C. Liu, J. Dong, A. Khoshafian, WSEAS Multiconference 2003, Grecotel Rethymna Beach, Crete Island, Greece, October 2003.
90. "Collaboration Between NASA and NSF Sponsored Research Laboratories", with L. Abts, presented at the NASA Research Summit, Orlando, Florida, July 21, 2003.
91. "Pointing Control of Segmented Refelctor Testbed," with A.Khoshafian, USC Student Research Conference, Los Angeles, California, USA, March 26, 2004.
92. "Frequency-Domain System Identification of a Large Segmented Space Reflector," with E.Velazquez, USC Student Research Conference, Los Angeles, California, USA, March 26, 2004.
93. "Fault-tolerant Parallel Processing for the SPACE Testbed," with S. Fallorina, USC Student Research Conference, Los Angeles, California, USA, March 26, 2004.
94. "Seismic performance, control and protection of reinforced concrete structures," Chassiakos, A., Kosmatopoulos, E., Levtchitch, V, 5th Ukrainian Conference: "Design and construction in seismic areas," Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine, May 24-29, 2004.
95. "Strengthen Education in Engineering and Research (STEER) Program," with C. Liu, J. Beyon, A Chassiakos, iNEER Conference for Engineering Education and Research (iCEER 2004), Olomouc and Bouzov Castle, Czech Republic, June 27-30, 2004.
96. "Integrated 3-D Animation System for Decentralized Controlled Space Telescope Testbed," with Y. Komandyan, Y. Chen, J. Dong, International Multiconference in Computer Science and Computer Engineering, June 21-24, 2004.
97. "Decentralized Control of a Segmented Reflector Testbed", with A. Khoshafian, S. Fallorina, E. Velazquez, K. Rad, C. Liu, D. Cantzos, IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Hiroshima, Japan, July 2004.
98. "Application of Decentralized Control on a Segmented Reflected Testbed," with A. Khoshafian, E. Velazquez, K. Rad, C. Liu, 8th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEMS, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July, 2004.
99. "Seismic performance capacities of old concrete," with Levtchitch, V. Kvasha, V., Chassiakos, A., Kosmatopoulos, E., 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, BC, Canada.August 1-6, 2004.
100. "A Generalized Fault Tolerant Pipeline Task Scheduling for Decentralized Control," with P. Thienphrapa, Z. Purnajo, S. Fallorina, C. Lui, Computing, Communication and Control Technologies, CCCT 2004, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, August 14-17, 2004.
101. "Frequency-Domain System Identification of a Large Segmented Space Reflector," with E.A. Velazquez, K. Rad, T.S. Booker, Computing, Communication and Control Technologies: CCCT 2004, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, August 14-17, 2004.
102. "Design and Implementation of FITS Image Viewer with Adaptive Enhancement Technology," with Z. Purnajo, C. Liu, K. Rad, J. Dong, WSEAS Multiconference (ICOSSIP 2004), Izmir, Turkey, September 13-16, 2004.
103. "Decentralized Control of a Segmented Reflector Testbed," with A. Khoshafian, E. Velazquez, WSEAS Multiconference (ICOSMO 2004), Izmir, Turkey, September 13-16, 2004.
104. "Pointing Control of the Segmented Reflector Testbed," with A. Khoshafian, Space 2004 Conference and Exhibit, San Diego, California, USA, September 28-30, 2004.
105. "A Fault-Tolerant Pipelined Task Scheduling Algorithm for Decentralized Control of a Segmented Reflector Telescope Testbed," with S. Fallorina, Space 2004 Conference and Exhibit, San Diego, California, USA, September 28-30, 2004.
106. "Frequency-Domain System Identification of a Large Segmented Space Reflector," with E. Velazquez, Space 2004 Conference and Exhibit, San Diego, California, USA, September 28-30, 2004.
107. "A Generic Pipelined Task Scheduling Algorithm for Fault-Tolerant Decentralized Control of a Segmented Refelctor Telescope Testbed," with S. Fallorina, P. Thienphrapa, C. Liu, J. Dong, K. Rad, ASME International 24th Computers and Information in Enginerring (CIE) Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, September 28 - October 2, 2004.
108. "Frequency-Domain System Identification Of A Large Segmented Space Reflector," with E. Velazquez, A. Pujari, K. Rad, 37th Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, Tuskegee, Alabama, March 20-22, 2005.
109. "Frequency-Domain System Identification Of A Large Segmented Space Reflector," with E. Velazquez, A. Pujari, K. Rad, , Joint 2005 International Symposium On Intelligent Control & 13th Mediterranean Conference On Control And Automation (2005 ISIC-MED), Limassol Cyprus, June, 2005.
110. "Pointing Control of Segmented Refelctor Testbed," with A.Khoshafian, K. Rad, Y. Komandyan, Joint 2005 International Symposium on Intelligent Control & 13th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (2005 ISIC-MED), Limassol, Cyprus, June, 2005.
111. "Integrated Embedded Architectures and Parallel Algorithms for a Decentralized Control System," with C. Liu, K. Rad, S. Fallorina, Joint 2005 International Symposium on Intelligent Control & 13th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (2005 ISIC-MED), Limassol, Cyprus, June, 2005.
112. "A Fault-Tolerant Distributed Data Flow Architecture for Real-time Decentralized Control", with S. Fallorina, P. Thienphrapa, R. Luna, V. Khuong, C. Liu, J. Dong, K. Rad, ICINCO 2005, 2nd International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Barcelona, Spain, September 14-17, 2005.
113. "Content-Based Retransmission with Error Concealment for Astronomical Images", with P. Thienphrapa, C. Liu, K. Rad, and J. Dong, SPIE International Symposium on Optics East 2005, Boston, MA, October 23-26, 2005.
114. "Seismic Performance of Old Concrete", with S. Levtchitch, V. Kvasha, V., Chassiakos, A., 8th US National Conference On Earthquake Engineering & 100th Anniversary Earthquake Conference, Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, CA, April 18 - 22, 2006.
115. "Seismic Performance of Old Concrete", with S. Levchitch, A. Chassiakos, 8NCEE Earthquake Engineering Conference, San Francisco, CA, April 17-22, 2006.
116. "Implementation of a robust transmission system for astronomical images over error-prone links", with P. Thienphrapa, C. Liu, K. Rad, and J. Dong, Multimedia Systems and Applications, SPIE Optical East, ITCom-06, Boston, Oct. 1-4, 2006.
117. "On the design and implementation of automated astronomical image analyzer", with L. Zhao, G. Sharif, S. Orellana, C. Liu, K. Rad and J. Dong, Multimedia Systems and Applications, SPIE Optical East, ITCom-06, Boston, Oct. 1-4, 2006.
118. "Implementation of a Robust Transmission System for Astronomical Images over Error-prone Link," with P. Thienphrapa , C. Liu, K. Rad, J. Dong, SPIE Optical East 2006, Boston, 2006.
119. "Reconfigurable Fault-Tolerant Control System for a Segmented Telescope Testbed," with Y. Komandyan, J. D. Covarrrubias, K. Rad, European Control Conference 2007 (ECC'07), Kos, Greece, July 2-5, 2007.
120. "Frequency-Domain System Identification of a Large Segmented Space Reflector," with A. Pujari, H. C. Torres, K. Rad, European Control Conference 2007 (ECC'07), Kos, Greece, July 2-5, 2007.
121. "Decentralized Reconfigurable Fault-Tolerant Control System for a Segmented Telescope Testbed," with Y. Komandyan, J. D. Covarrrubias, K. Rad, International Journal of Factory, Automation, Robotics, and Soft Computing, 2007.
122. "Frequency-Domain System Identification of a Segmented Space Reflector", with A. Pujari, C. Torres, K. Rad , International Journal of Factory, Automation, Robotics, and Soft Computing, 2007.
123. "LabVIEW Fault-Tolerance Visualization Subsystem for a Segmented Reflector Testbed", with S. Beltran, A. Alegre, C. Liu, International Journal of Factory, Automation, Robotics, and Soft Computing, 2007.
124. "LabVIEW Processor Visualization Subsystem for a Reconfigurable Segmented Telescope Testbed", with A. Alegre, S. Beltran, C. Liu, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) Region 6 Southern Area Paper Contest, Northridge, CA, May 2007.
125. "Development and Implementation of an Information Server for Web-based Education in Astronomy," A. Alegre, J. Estrada, B. Coalson, A. Milshteyn, C. Liu, Proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE) 2007, CT, USA, December 2007.
126. "Implementation and Quantitative Analysis of a Shared-Memory Based Parallel Server Architecture for Aerospace Information Exchange Applications", with A. Alegre, S. Beltran, J. Estrada, A. Milshteyn, C. Liu, Proceedings of the World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE) 2009, Anaheim, CA, USA, March 2009.
127. "Fault Detection and Isolation of a Segmented Telescope Testbed", with J.D. Covarrubias, C.P. Torres, 17th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED'09), Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2009.
128. "Thread-Affinity Mapping for Performance Analysis of Data Flow on an Aerospace Information Server Platform", with A. Alegre, S. Beltran, J. Estrada, A. Milshteyn, C. Liu, Proceedings of the International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems and Web Technologies (EISWT), Orlando, FL, USA, July 2009
129. "A Semantic Aerospace Network using Objectized Tags Exchanged through Decentralized Information Servers", with J. Alvarenga, HBCU/OMSI Aerospace Collaboration Conference 2009, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, July 2009.
130. "Detection and Isolation of Actuator and Sensor Faults of a Segmented Telescope Testbed" ,with J.D. Covarrubias, C.P. Torres, European Control Conference 2009 (ECC09), Budapest, Hungary, August 2009.
131. "Ubiquitous Video Conferencing for Obectizing Contents in a Semantic Network", with A. Milshteyn, J. Estrada, A. Lam, S. Beltran, J.P. Adigwu, C. Liu, 4th International Conference on New Trends in Information Science and Service Science (NISS2010) ,Gyeongju, Korea, May 2010.
132. "Combustion Flow Visualization of a Subsonic Jet Engine" with E. Cruz, S. Ibarra, H. Luong, B. Vazquez, T. Pham, D. Guillaume, 2010 Western States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting. Boulder, CO.
133. "High-Performance Parallel Processing Aerospace Information Server", with A. Milshteyn, A. Alegre, J. Estrada, A. Lam, S. Beltran, JP Adigwu, C. Liu, Journal of Next Generation Information Technology. Volume 1. Number 3. November 30, 2010. ISSN: 2092-8637.
134. "LabVIEW Ray Tracing Visualization for Precision Pointing Architecture of A Segmented Reflector Testbed", with A. Desai, J. Alvarenga, H. Tarsaria, K. Rad, Control, Automation and Robotics(CAR), Singapore, February 2011.
135. "Calibration Linearity Check Using LabVIEW for Inductive Sensors Used In Shaping control Of A Segmented Reflector Test Bed", with A. Desai, J. Alvarenga, H. Tarsaria, K. Rad, Control, Automation and Robotics(CAR), Singapore, February 2011.
136. "Ray Tracing Visualization For Precision Pointing Architecture Of A Segmented Reflector Testbed Using Labview", with A. Desai, J. Alvarenga, H. Tarsaria, K. Rad, 5th WSEAS International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Signal and Telecommunications, Puerto Morelos, Mexico, January 2011
137. "Labview Visualization for Inductive Sensors Used In Shaping Control Of A Segmented Reflector Test Bed", with A. Desai, J. Alvarenga, H. Tarsaria, K. Rad, 5th WSEAS International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Signal and Telecommunications, Puerto Morelos, Mexico, January 2011.
138. "Sensors Calibration and Ray Tracing Visualization using LabVIEW of a Segmented Reflector Testbed", with A. Desai, J. Alvarenga, E. Diaz H. Tarsaria, K. Rad, Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits and Systems(IMCAS� 11), Venice, Italy, March 2011.
139. "Hydrogen and Methane Combustion in High Speed Air Flow", with S. Esparza, C. Olmedo, D. Guillaume, Southern California Fluids Symposium USC, March 2011.
140. "Semantic Information System: Applications in K-12 Education", with J.P. Adigwu, N. Arellano, S. Beltran, J. Estrada, A. Lam, S. Mendoza, A. Milshteyn, G. Nunez, E. Tsai, C. Liu, 2011 CCSC Southwestern Regional Conference. Loyola Marymount, USA, April 2011.
141. "Ray Tracing Visualization Using LabVIEW for Precision Pointing Architecture of a Segmented Reflector Testbed",, with A. Desai, J. Alvarenga, H. Tarsaria, K. Rad, MED 2011, Corfu, Greece, June 2011.
142. "Ray Tracing and Sensor Calibration Visualization Using LabVIEW for a Segmented Reflector Testbed",, with A. Desai, J. Alvarenga, H. Tarsaria, K. Rad, z RAST 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2011.
143. "LabVIEW Calibration Linearity Visualization for Precision Sensors Used in Shaping Control of a Segmented Reflector Testbed",, A. Desai, J. Alvarenga, H. Tarsaria, K. Rad, The 6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Beijing, China, June 2011.
144. "An Approach to Enhance an Economical COTS FCS for UAV", S. Chan, A. Lam, M. Luviano, C.Wu, International Conference on Systems Engineering, ICSEng 2011,Las Vegas, Nevada, June 2011.
145. "An Approach to Enhance an Economical COTS FCS for UAV", S. Chan, A. Lam, M. Luviano, C. Wu, HUIC Mathematics and Engineering Conference 2011, Hawaii, June 2011.
146. "UML Modeling of Semantic Information System Network", E. Tsai, G. Nunez, A. Milshteyn, J. Estrada, A. Lam, S. Mendoza, N. Arellano, J.P. Adigwu and C. Liu, The 2011 International Conference on Semantic Web and Web Services (SWWS 11), USA, July 2011.
147. "Semantic Network Active Directory Service System",, S. Beltran, A. Lam, J. Estrada, A. Milshteyn, J.P. Adigwu, A. Alegre, C. Liu, H. Boussalis. International Conference on Data Engineering and Internet Technology (DEIT 2011), Bali Indonesia, 15-17 March 2011
148. "Evaluation of Strain-Based Deformation Shape Estimation Algorithms for Control and Monitoring Applications",, A. Derkevorkian, J. Alvarenga, J. Bakalyar, L. Richards, S. Masri, H. Boussalis. 2012 SPIE Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, San Diego, CA, March 2012.
149. "The Experimental Investigation of Bio-fuel Combustion in a Counter-Flow Burner", M. Kebria, S. Khalighi, J. Ramos, D. Guillaume, H. Boussalis. Western States Section Combustion Institute 2012, Tempe, Arizona, March 2012.
150. "Supersonic flow, flame holding, and combustion", S. Esparza, B. Liu, C. Olmedo, A. Pathan, H. Boussalis, D. Guillaume. Western States Section Combustion Institute 2012, Tempe, Arizona, March 2012.
151. "Computational Experimental Studies of Deformation Shape Prediction Algorithms for Control Monitoring Applications", A. Derkevorkian, J. Alvarenga, J. Bakalyar, L. Richards, S. Masri, H. Boussalis. 5th European Conference on Structural Control - EACS 2012, Genoa, Italy, June 2012.
152. "Finite-Element modeling and Modal Analysis of an Actuated Platform used for Precision Pointing Control",, G. Zarate, E. Diaz, J. Alvarenga, K. Rad, H. Boussalis. 2nd International Conference on Systems and Control, Marrakech, Morocco, June 2012.
153. "Thin Filament Pyrometry of Bio-fuels on a Counter-Flow Burner",, M. Kebria, S. Khalighi, J. Ramos, D. Guillaume, H. Boussalis. The 9th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics HEFAT2012, Malta, Italy, July 2012.
154. "An Actuated Platform FEA Model used for Precision Pointing Control", G. Zarate, E. Diaz, J. Alvarenga, K. Rad, H. Boussalis. 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, July 2012.
155. "Mechanical Modeling of an Actuated Platform for Precision Pointing Control via Finite-Element Analysis and Normal Mode Analysis",, G. Zarate, E. Diaz, J. Alvarenga, K. Rad, H. Boussalis. The 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2012), Rome, Italy, July 2012.
156. "The Performance of Ubiquitous Video Conferencing Application", N. Arellano, S. Mendoza, E. Tsai, G. Nunez, A. Lin, G. Carter, A. Lam, JP. Adigwu, J. Estrada, A. Milshteyn, C. Liu, H. Boussalis. The 11th International Conference on e-Learning, E-Bussiness, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, July 2012.
157. "Heat transfer Modes in Supersonic Hydrogen Combustion", S. Esparza, C. Olmedo, B. Liu, A. Pathan, D. Guillaume, C. Wu, H. Boussali. The 9th International Conference on Heat transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Malta, Italy, July 2012.
158. "Pre mixed Combustion of Bio-fuels in a Counter-Flow Burner", M. Kebria, S. Khalighi, J. Ramos, D. Guillaume, H. Boussalis. The 8th Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion, Barcelona, Spain, July 2012.
159. "Fast Prototyping Of An Image Encoder Using FPGA With USB Interfacing", E. Tsai, G. Nunez, S. Mendoza, N. Arellano, J. Estrada, A. Lam, A. Lin, G. Carter, A. Milshteyn, C. Liu, H. Boussalis. The 10th International Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications, Las Vegas, Nevada, July 2012.
160. "Bandwidth Analysis of Ubiquitous Video Conferencing Application", N. Arellano, A. Milshteyn, E. Diaz, S. Mendoza, C. Liu, H. Boussalis. WINSYS 2012, the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, Rome, Italy, July 2012.
161. "Implementation of a Touch-based Graphical User Interface for Semantic Information System", S. Mendoza, A. Lam, JP Adigwu, A. Milshteyn, J. Estrada, E. Tsai, G. Nunez, G. Carter, N. Arellano, A.Lin, C. Liu, H. Boussalis. International Conference on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality (CGVR), Las Vegas, Nevada, July 2012.
162. "Validation of a Strain-Based Wing Shape Prediction Algorithm for Control and Monitoring of an Uninhabited Air Vehicle", J. Alvarenga, A. Derkevorkian, F. Pena, S. F. Masri, H. Boussalis. ASME 2012 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, Stone Mountain, GA, USA, September 2012.
163. "Fiber-optic Strain Sensor-based Structural Health Monitoring of an Uninhabited Air Vehicle", J. Alvarenga, A. Derkevorkian, H. Boussalis, S. F. Masri. 63rd International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2012, Naples, Italy, October 2012.
164. "Precision Pointing Control of a Large Segmented Space Telescope Testbed", E. Diaz, G. Zarate, J. Alvarenga, K. Rad, H. Boussalis. The 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy, October 2012.
165. "Supersonic Combustion of Emerging Fuels", K. Carpenter, C. Wu. 63rd International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2012, Naples, Italy, October 2012.
166. "Development of the Peripheral Pointing Architecture Using Finite-Element Analysis and Normal Mode Analysis", C. Balboa, A. Sarkesian, K. Rad, H. Boussalis. World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), March 2013.
167. "Sensor Network Linearity Verification in Figure Maintenance Control of Segmented Reflector Testbed", Z. Espano, M.Garcia, K. Rad, H. Boussalis. World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) March 2013.
168. "High Level FPGA Modeling of a JPEG Encoder", G. Nunez, A. Lins, G. Herman, A. Milshteyn, E. Tsai. C. Liu, H. Boussalis. The 9th Annual International Conference on Information Technology & Computer Science., Marina Del Rey, California, USA, May 2013.
169. "Linearization of a Nonlinear Geometric System Model for Robust Controller Design", E. Diaz, C. Balboa, Z. Espano, M. Garcia, J.Escobar, K. Rad, H. Boussalis. Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED'13) Platanias-Chania, Crete - Greece, June 2013.
170. "Control of a Simulated Wing Structure with Multiple Segmented Control Surfaces", H. Boussalis, K. Valavanis, D. Guillaume, F. Pena, E. Diaz, J. Alvarenga. Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED'13) Platanias-Chania, Crete - Greece, June 2013.
171. "UML of a Touch Based 3D Visualization Environment for the Semantic Information System", A. Milshteyn, S. Mendoza, G. Herman, E. Tsai, A. Lin, Adrienne S. Lam, C. Liu, H. Boussalis. Proceedings of World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science (WCECS) 2013, San Francisco, California, USA, October 23-25, 2013.
172. "Virtual Reality Head-Tracking Observation System for Mobile Robot", A. Lin, A. Milshteyn, G. Herman, M. Garcia, K. Rad, D. Guillaume, C. Liu, H. Boussalis. 3rd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO) 2014, Budva, Montenegro, June 15-19, 2014.
173. "Cooperative Semi-Autonomous Robotic Network for Search and Rescue Operations", G. Herman, A. Milshteyn, A. Lin, M. Garcia, K. Rad, D. Guillaume, C. Liu, H. Boussalis. 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) 2014, Heraklion, Crete - Greece, June 22-27, 2014.
174. "Implementation of Direction Cosine Matrix on a PSoC-5 Microcontroller for Robot Localization on Inclined Terrains", G. Herman, A. Milshteyn, A. Lin, M. Garcia, K. Rad, D. Guillaume, C. Liu, H. Boussalis. 8th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC 2014), Santorini Island, Greece. July 17-21, 2014.
175. "Hybrid Routing Algorithms for Navigation Control of the Semi-Autonomous Robotic Platform", A. Milshteyn, G. Herman, A. Lin, M. Garcia, K. Rad, D. Guillaume, C. Liu, H. Boussalis. 65th International Aeronautical Congress 2014 (IAC 2014), Toronto, Canada. September 29 - October 3, 2014.
176. "Utilization of PSoC-5 for Sensor Data Acquisition in a Semi-Autonomous Robotic Platform", with A. Lin, A. Milshteyn, G. Herman, M. Garcia, D. Guillaume, C. Liu, H. Boussalis. SAI Intelligent Systems Conference 2015 (SAI 2015), London, United Kingdom. November 10-11, 2015.