Justin Troyka

Justin Troyka
College and Natural and Social Sciences
Department of Mathematics
Office BS106

Pronouns: he/him

Spring 2025 conversation hours (office hours): Mon/Wed 1:00-1:50pm

Hi! I am an Assistant Professor of Mathematics, teaching 2-3 courses each semester and researching enumerative and algebraic combinatorics. I began at Cal State LA in Fall 2022. I study permutations, symmetric functions, and graph enumeration. I earned my BA in mathematics in 2013 at Carleton College (Minnesota), and I earned my PhD in mathematics at Dartmouth College in 2018 where my advisor was Sergi Elizalde. After that, I spent two years as a postdoctoral visitor at York University (Toronto) and collaborated on research with Neal Madras, followed by two years as a visiting assistant professor at Davidson College (North Carolina) where I got valuable teaching experience and worked on combinatorics research with colleague Yan Zhuang. I'm excited to be here at Cal State LA!

A guide on improving your grade in a math class, which I wrote for my calculus students in Fall 2023

Here is my list of publications, works in progress, and unpublished papers: