Lexi Hwang

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Charter College of Education
Special Education and Counseling


Dr. Lexi Hwang is an Associate Professor in the College of Education at California State University, Los Angeles. She earned a Ph.D. in Special Education with an emphasis in math education and educational statistics at The Pennsylvania State University. The primary goal of her research program is to transform K-postsecondary STEM education to minimize the leak in the STEM pipeline. Her research intends to diversify and increase the participation of underrepresented students in STEM by promoting educational opportunities and equal access. Currently, Dr. Hwang is a PI on the project entitled “Simulation-Based Pedagogical Approach in Chemistry Education for All Students to Succeed in STEM (SPACE)”, funded by the National Science Foundation (2023-2025; $300K) that supports improving undergraduate STEM education. She is also a PI on the project entitled “Education Reform in Food and Agriculture Using Reactive Molecular Dynamic Simulations and Science Pedagogy (e-FARMS)” funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (2023-2027; $1,000,000). Dr. Hwang was a former NSF fellow of STEM education research (2020-2023).


  • Ph.D. in Special Education at The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA (Aug. 2016)

Academic Positions

  • 2023-Present: Associate Professor in College of Education, California State University, Los Angeles
  • 2020-2023: Assistant Professor in College of Education, California State University, Los Angeles
  • 2016-2020: Assistant Professor of Special Education, California State University, Bakersfield
  • 2013-2016: Graduate Research Assistant, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park
  • 2014-2015: Research Assistant, Scaffolding Engage NY, New York Education Department

Recent Fellowship

  • 2021-2023: National Science Foundation Fellow for "SIARM for STEM" (Summer Institute in Advanced Research Methods for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education Research): https://voices.uchicago.edu/nsf-siarm/our-fellows/ 
  • 2019: Fellowship, Summer Research Training Institute in Single-Case Research Design and Analysis, Madison, Wisconsin

Editorial Board

  • 2020-Present: Associate Editor, Assessment for Effective Intervention
  • 2018-Present: Reviewer, Learning Disabilities Research & Practice
  • 2016-Present: Ad-Hod Reviewer in multiple journals in education

Grants & Projects

Active/Current Projects

  • 2023-2025: “HSI Pilot Project SPACE: Simulation-Based Pedagogical Approach in Chemistry Education for All Students to Succeed in STEM” (PI). National Science Foundation (NSF) HSI Improving Undergraduate STEM. Awarded a total of $300,000 with Dr. S. Hong (Collaborative PI in engineering) and Dr. J. Santner (Co-PI in mechanical engineering).
  • 2023: “Education Reform in Food and Agriculture using Reactive Molecular Dynamic Simulations and Science Pedagogy (e-FARMS)” (PD). Proposal resubmitted to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) HSI Education Program. Awarded a total of $1,000,000 with Drs. S. Hong (Co-PD in material science), J. Zhao (Co-PD in food science), C. Liu (Co-PD in food science).

Previously Funded, Pending, and Not-Funded Projects

  • 2023: (Tentative) Integration of Computational Modeling and Simulation to Empower High School Students in Material Science (ICE). Proposal is under preparation for National Science Foundation (NSF).
  • 2023: “Closing Racial and Gender Disparities in a STEM Pipeline by Equipping College Students with Computational Modeling and Simulation Skills using Asset-Based Pedagogies” (PI). Letter of Intent submitted to Spencer Large Grant Program. April 2023 (not funded).
  • 2023:  “Let’s Take a Closer Look at High School STEM Course-Taking Pattern to Enhance Underrepresented Students’ Persistence in STEM College Majors” (PI). Proposal submitted to RSCA Competition for Assigned Time Category, March 2023 (not funded).
  • 2023:  “Building a Three-Component Model of Support to Increase College Students’ STEM Persistence” (Co-PI). Proposal submitted to 2023 Cal State Innovate Mini Grant. May 2023 (not funded).  
  • 2022-2023: “Exploring Early Career Teachers Well-Being, Job Satisfaction, and Retention” (PI). Special Project Round #9 College of Education. A total of $6,880 awarded.
  • 2022: “Project EMU: E-Book Centered Mathematics Vocabulary Instruction for Mathematical Understanding” (Co-PI). Proposal submitted to Institute of Education Sciences (IES), National Center for Special Education Research, August 2022 (not funded).
  • 2022:  “Reducing Racial Disparities in Persisting in a STEM College Major through Higher-level High School STEM Course Sequences: A Multi-city Study” (Co-PI). Letter of Intent submitted to William T. Grant Foundation, August 2022 (not funded).
  • 2022-2023: “Using Simulation-Based Pedagogical Approach to Make Learning Chemistry Accessible to Undergraduate Students with Learning Difficulties: A Case Study” (PI). Awarded for the 2022 RCSA for Assigned/Release Time Award Category.
  • 2022:  “HSI Pilot Project SPACE: Simulation-Based Pedagogical Approach in Chemistry Education for All Students to Succeed in STEM” (PI). Proposal submitted to National Science Foundation (NSF) HSI Improving Undergraduate STEM, March 2022 (not funded).  
  • 2021: “3D Fraction Learning Using a Humanoid Robot” (PI). Proposal submitted to Spencer Foundation Small Grant Program, Nov. 2021 (not funded).
  • 2021-2022: “Project LEAPHigh: Leveraging Chemistry Education by Employing Computer Simulation and Virtual Reality Technology: A Pilot Study on High School Students with Learning Disabilities” (PI). Proposal submitted to 2021 RCSA for Assigned/Release Time Award Category, March 2021 (accepted).
  • 2021: “Project TeachFEST: Teach Fractions to Exceptional Learners with STEM-Infused Instructional Technique” (PI). Proposal submitted to 2021American Honda, Feb. 2021. (not funded)
  • 2020:  “Project P-TISE: Preparing Teachers for Inclusive STEM Education” (PI). Proposal submitted to NSF, IGE division, Sept. 2019. Proposal #: 1954899 (not funded)
  • 2020: “Field Test of Teacher Training Program for Inclusive STEM Education” (PI). Funded by the Faculty Teaching and Learning Center, CSUB.
  • 2019-20: “More than Study Skills: A Holistic Program Approach for Fostering Engagement, Responsibility, and Resiliency of Secondary Students with Disabilities” (Co-PI). Funded by the Research Council of the University.  
  • 2018-19: “Bring STREAM Education on Stream” (PI). Funded by the Research Council of the University, $5,000.00 and Assigned/Release Time Award.  

Scholarly Publication 

Note. † indicates graduate students and * indicates corresponding author

  1. Taylor, J. & Hwang, J. (2021) Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics Remote Instruction for Students With Disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic. https://doi.org/10.1177/10534512211001858
  2. Kabel, M., †Hwang, J. *Hwang, J. (2021) Lessons Learned from A Classroom Study: Transitioning from Concrete to Virtual Manipulatives to Teach Math Fact Fluency to Students with Learning Disabilities in A Rural Classroom. Journal of Curriculum Studies Research, 3(1), 42-68.
  3. Taylor, J. C., Hwang, J., Rizzo, K, & Dorris, H. (2020). Supporting Science-Related Instruction for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Review and Analysis of Research Studies. Science Educators, 27(2), 102-113.
  4. Taylor, J. C., Hwang, J., Rizzo, K, & Dorris, H. (2020). A Review of Research on Science Instruction for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. School Science and Mathematics.
  5. †Zobell, E & *Hwang, J. (2020). An Examination of the Current Status of Paraprofessionals through their Lens: Role, Training, and Supervision. Journal of Special Education Apprenticeship, 9(1), 1-19
  6. Hwang, J. & Riccomini, P. J. (2019). A Descriptive Analysis of the Error Patterns Observed in the Fraction Computation Solution Pathways of Students with and without Learning Disabilities. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 1-11. doi.org/10.1177/1534508419872256
  7. Hwang, J., Riccomini, P. J., & Morano, S. (2019). Examination of Cognitive Processes in Effective Algebra Problem-Solving Interventions for Secondary Students with Learning Disabilities. Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal, 17(2).
  8. Hwang, J. & Riccomini, P. J. (2019). Investigating the Relationship between Solution Pathway Preference and Accuracy of Adding Fractions for Students with Learning Disabilities. British Journal of Special Education, 34(1), 47-61. doi: 10.1111/1467-8578.12250
  9. Hwang, J. & *Son, J. (2019). Understanding Provision Systems and Contemporary Needs of Early Childhood Inclusive Education from Teachers’ Perspectives. Journal of Special Education & Rehabilitation Science, 58(1), 285-325.
  10. Hwang, J., Riccomini, P. J., Hwang, S, & Morano, S. (2019). A Systematic Analysis of Experimental Studies Targeting Fractions for Students with Mathematics Difficulties. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 34(1), 1-15. doi:10.1111/ldrp.12187
  11. Taylor, J. C., Koehler, K., Rizzo, K. & Hwang, J. (2018) The Rise of Measurement: Assessing Science and the Implications for Students with Special Needs. In Koomen, M. H, Kahn, S., Atchison, C., & Wild, T. (Eds.) In Towards Inclusion of All Learners in Science Teacher Education.
  12. Morano, S., Ruiz, S., Hwang, J., Wertalik, J., Moeller, J., Karal, M. A., & Mulloy, A (2017). Meta-Analysis of Single-Case Treatment Effects on Self-Injurious Behavior for Individuals with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities. Autism & Developmental Language Impairments, 2, 1-26. doi: 10.1177/2396941516688399
  13. Hwang, J. & Riccomini, P. J. (2016). Enhancing Mathematical Problem Solving for Secondary Students with or At-Risk of Learning Disabilities: A Literature Review. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 31(3), 169-181. doi:10.1111/ldrp.12105
  14. Hwang, J. & Taylor, J. C. (2016). Stemming on STEM: A STEM Education Framework for Students with Disabilities. Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities, 19(1), 39-49.
  15. Riccomini, P. J., Hwang, J. & Morano, S. (2016). Developing Mathematical Problem Solving through Strategic Instruction: Much More than a Keyword. In Cook, B. G., Tankersley, M., & Landrum, T. J. (Eds.) Instructional Practices with and without Empirical Validity Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities (pp. 39-60). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  16. Morano, S., Hwang, J., Kohler, K. M., Markelz, A. M., Rizzo, K., & Riccomini, P. J. (2016). 5 Ways to Scaffold Mathematics Instruction for Secondary Students with Learning Disabilities. LD Forum, Council of Learning Disabilities.
  17. Riccomini, P. J., Morano, S., & Hwang, J. (2015). Interleaved Worked Examples and Math Problems: Embedding Instructional Guidance in Math Homework and Independent Practice to Improve Student Accuracy and Outcomes. Educational Research Newsletter & Webinars.

Professional Proceedings (2018-Present)

  1. Hwang, J. (March 2021). Math for Math? It is Time to Switch Your Gear to Teach REAL MATH using STEAM Interdisciplinary Framework, California Association of Resource and Special Educators
  2. Hwang, J. (Feb. 2021). Meaningful Errors in Fractions. In Lee, J., Hwang, J., & Morano, S. (2021). A panel presentation on the topic of “Fractions”, 2021 Pacific Coast Research Conferenc
  3. Taylor, J., Bol, S., Rizzo, K., & Hwang, J. Science for All: The Most Effective Strategies for Teaching Science to Students with Moderate and Severe Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. 2021 Council of Exceptional Children
  4. Hwang, J. (Oct. 2019). A Comparison of Virtual and Physical Manipulatives in Increasing Math Fact Fluency. Council of Learning Disabilities, San Antonio, TX
  5. Hwang, J. & Choo, S. (Oct. 2019). STREAM education: An Emerging Interdisciplinary Approach for Student with LD. Council of Learning Disabilities, San Antonio, TX
  6. Hwang, J., Morano, S., & Choo, S. (Jan. 2019). Bring STREAM Education on Stream: Current Stage of the Project and Future direction, Pacific Coast Research Conference, San Diego, CA
  7. Hwang, J. (Jan. 2019). STEM Education Framework for Students with Disabilities, Hawaii International Conferences on Education, Hawaii
  8. Hwang, S. & Hwang, J. (Jan. 2019). Diagnostic View of US Math Education in Teaching Fractions for Students with Mathematical Difficulties, Hawaii International Conferences on Education, Hawaii
  9. Hwang, J, Rizzo, K., Taylor, J., & Hill, D. (Jan. 2019). Science Instruction for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Analysis of Single-Case Research, Association for Behavior Analysis International, San Francisco, CA
  10. Hwang, J. (Oct. 2018). Error analysis for developing a diagnostic basis for teaching fractions to students with mathematics learning disabilities, Council of Learning Disabilities, Portland, OR
  11. Hwang, J., Riccomini, P. J., & Morano, S. (Feb. 2018). A Systematic Analysis of Experimental Studies Targeting Fractions for Students with Mathematics Difficulties, Council of Exceptional Children, Tampa, FL
  12. Hwang, J. & Riccomini, P. J. (Feb. 2018). Analysis of the patters of fraction addition performance and solution pathway for middle school students with MLD, Council of Exceptional Children, Tampa, FL
  13. Riccomini, P. J., Morano, S., Hwang, J. (Feb. 2018). Using worked examples and solutions to support and enhance mathematical thinking and reasoning, Council of Exceptional Children, Tampa, FL
  14. Hwang, J. & Riccomini, P. J. (Feb. 2018). A Systematic Analysis of Experimental Studies Targeting Fractions for Students with Mathematics Difficulties. Pacific Coast Research Conference, San Diego, CA

International & National Invited Webinar and Lectures (2017-Present)

  • Hwang, J. (Oct. 2018) STREAM Education for Student with Disabilities, “Supporting All Learners Using Active Learning Pedagogy,” Webinar presentation invited from American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)-Advancing Research & Innovation in the STEM Education of Preservice Teachers in High-Need Schools (ARISE), supported by the NSF Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program (Grant No. DUE-1548986-Stimulating Research and Innovation in STEM Teacher Education)
  • Hwang, J. (Jan. 2017) High-Leverage Practice in Supporting Exceptional Learners. Lectures presented at Daegu University, South Korea. Invited by Dr. Nam-Soo Park 

Courses Taught (at Cal State LA)

  • EDSP4020 Assessment and Educational Planning for Students with Disabilities
  • EDSP4040 Collaboration and Transition in Special Education
  • EDSP3010 Individuals with Disabilities in Contemporary Society
  • EDSP4253 Instruction, Assessment, and Curricular Support in Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies for Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities