I began my full-time teaching career at CSLA in 1997. Prior to that I worked as a geotechnical consultant in the Los Angeles area for such companies as Woodward-Clyde, Law/Crandall, and Leroy Crandall & Associates. I have maintained a consulting role but now focus primarily in conducting advanced laboratory testing (Triaxial, Direct Simple Shear, Resonant Column, Torsion Shear, Ring Shear). Our geotechnical laboratory is fully equipped to handle a wide variety of testing conditions. I also maintain an array of in-situ penetrometers (cone, ball, vane).
I take pride in being able to teach a wide array of geotechnical courses - from undergraduate soil mechanics to graduate geotechnical earthquake engineering. I especially enjoy teaching geotechncal laboartory testing.
My primary research interests are in advanced laboratory testing and in-situ testing in relation to seafloor engineering. I have performed studies for the Office of Naval Research and the Department of Defense using alternative penetrometers to measure the undrained shear strength of soft clays and friction angle of loose sands. These studies have involved designing large scale laboratory testing equipment specficic to the projects. More recently, I am looking at how measurment of geophysical parameters can be used in offshore studies to estimate strength properties of soils.
2015-16 CSLA Outstanding Professor Award Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOKuD1J2xh4
Ph.D. Civil Engineering, 1993
University of California, Los Angeles
M.S. Civil Engineering, 1989
University of California, Los Angeles
B.S. Civil Engineering, 1986
California State University, Fresno