"If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it, because the answer is not separate from the problem" - Jiddu Krishnamurit (Indian philosopher, 1895 - 1986)
I am Professor of Mechanical Engineering with a specialty in mechanics of materials and computational mechanics. Prior to joining Cal State LA, I was Professor in a higher education school of engineer: Centrale Lille. I am still having interaction with my former institution and my research are developped in a synergy between France and USA where I am developping activities in the field of Bio Medical Engineering.
ME 2010 - Statics |
Tu-Th - 4:30 - 5:45 pm |
KH - C 4075 |
ME 2050 - Strength of materials |
Tu-Th - 10:50 am - 12:05 pm |
SH 244 |
ME 4500 - Biomechanics |
MW - 1:40 - 2:55 pm | KH B 2016 |
Office & Advising hours |
Tuesday - 8:30 - 10:00 am Thursday - 1:30 - 3:00 pm |
ET - A 135 |
My reserach activities are based on the triptych of mechanics of materials: experimental characterizationm constitutive modelling, and numerical and computational methods.
I am more focused on soft polymers and bio-polymers. My activities can be summarized in 3 fields:
- Behavior, and damage of synthetic polymers
- Behavior of human soft tissue and medical implants,
- Development and design of Medical Devices for patient-specific surgery.
Additional information on my activities can be found on my website
Only the 4 last year are listed. Additional publication can be found on my website.
- Zhifan J., Mayeur O., Witz JF., Lecomte-Grosbras P., Cosson M., Duriez C., Brieu M., Virtual image correlation of magnetic images for 3D geometric modelling of pelvic organs, Strain, DOI: 10.1111/str.12305, 2019
- L. Astruc, M. De Meulaere, J.F. Witz, V. Nováček, F. Turquier, T. Hoc, M. Brieu, Characterization of the anisotropic mechanical behavior of human abdominal wall connective tissues, J. Mech. Behavior Biomed. Mat. (Imp. Factor: 3.76), Vol. 82, p. 45-50, 2018.
- E. Jean Dit Gautier, O. Mayeur, J. Lepage, M. Brieu, M. Cosson, C. Rubod, Pregnancy impact on uterosacral ligament and pelvic muscles using a 3D numerical and finite element model: preliminary results, Int. Urogynecology J. (Imp. Factor: 1.94), Vol. 29, Is. 3, p. 425-430, 2018.
- M. Castres, J. Berthe, E. Deletombe, M. Brieu, Experimental evaluation of the elastic limit of carbon-fibre reinforced epoxy composites under a large range of strain rate and temperature conditions, Strain (Imp. Factor: 1.69), Vol. 53, Is. 6, Article number e12248, 2018.
- D. Roucou, J. Diani, M. Brieu, JF. Witz, A. Mbiakop-Ngassa, Experimental investigation of elastomer mode I fracture: an attempt to estimate the critical strain energy release rate using SENT tests, Int. J. Fracture (Imp. Factor: 2.25), p. 1-8, 2017.
- J. De Wolf, M. Brieu, C. Zawadzki, A. Ung, E. Kipnis, E, R. Jashari, T. Hubert, P. Fayoux, C. Mariette, MC. Copin, A. Wurtz, Successful immunosuppressant-free heterotopic transplantation of tracheal allografts in the pig, European J. of Cardio-Thoracic surgery (Imp. Factor: 3.76), Vol. 52, Is. 2, p. 248-255, 2017.
- Z. Jiang, JF. Witz, P. Lecomte-Grosbras, J. Dequidt, S. Cotin, C. Rubod, C. Duriez, M. Brieu, Multi-organ motion tracking in dynamic magnetic resonance imaging for evaluation of pelvic system mobility and shear strain, Strain (Imp. Factor: 1.69), Vol. 53, Is. 2, DOI 10.1111/str.12224, 2017.
- N. Tran, J. Berthe, M. Brieu, G. Portemont, J. Schneider, Characterization of High Strain Rate Dependency of 3D CFRP Materials, Dynamic behavior of materials, Vol. 1, Book series, p. 111-116, 2017.
- A. Morch, B. Pouseele, G. Doucede, JF. Witz, F. Lesafre, P. Lecomte-Grosbras, M. Brieu, M. Cosson, C. Rubod, Experimental study of the mechanical behavior of an explanted mesh: Influence of healing, J. Mech. Behavior Biomed. Mat. (Imp. Factor: 3.76), Vol. 65, p. 190-199, 2017.
- G. Lamblin, O. Mayeur, G. Giraudet, EJD. Gautier, G. Chene, M. Brieu, C. Rubod, M. Cosson, Pathophysiological aspects of cystocele with 3D finite elements model, Arch. Gynecology Obstetrics, (Imp. Factor: 2.09), Vol. 294, Is. 5, p. 983-989, 2016.
- E. Jeanditgautier, O. Mayeur, M. Brieu, G. Lamblin, C. Rubod, M. Cosson, Mobility and stress analysis of different surgical simulations during a sacral colpopexy, using finite element model of the pelvic system, Int. Urogynecology J. (Imp. Factor: 1.94), Vol. 27, Is. 6, p. 951,957, 2016.
- M. Brieu, P. Chantereau, J. Gillibert, L. de Landscheere, P. Lecomte, M. Cosson, A nonlinear-elastic constitutive model for soft connective tissue based on a histologic description: Application to female pelvic soft tissue, J. Mech. Behavior Biomed. Mat. (Imp. Factor: 3.11), Vol. 58, p. 65-74, 2016.
- L. de Landscheere, M. Brieu, S. Blacher, C. Munaut, B. Nusgens, C. Rubod, A. Noel, JM. Foidart, M. Nisolle, M. Cosson, Elastin density: link between histological and biomechanical properties of vaginal tissue in women with pelvic organ prolapse?, Int. Urogynecology J. (Imp. Factor: 1.94), Vol. 27, Is. 4, p. 629-635, 2016.
- J. Lepage, M. Cosson, O. Mayeur, M. Brieu, C. Rubod, Pedagogical childbirth simulators: utility in obstetrics, Eur. J. Obstetrics Gynecology Reprod. Biol. (Imp. Factor: 1.66), Vol. 197, p. 41-47, 2016.
- J. Lepage, M. Cosson, O. Mayeur, M. Brieu, C. Rubod, The role of chidlbirth research in clinical practice, Int. J. Gynecology Obstetrics. (Imp. Factor: 2.18), Vol. 132, Is. 2, p. 234-235, 2016.
- O. Mayeur, JF. Witz, P. Lecomte, M. Brieu, M. Cosson, K. Miller, Influence of geometry and mechanical properties ont he accuracy of patient-specific simulation of women pelvic floor, Annals Biomed. Engg. . (Imp. Factor: 3.22), Vol 44, Is. 1, p. 202-212, 2016.
- P. Lecomte-Grosbras, JF. Witz, M. Brieu, N. Faye, M. Cosson, C. Rubod, Quantification of pelvic mobility on dynamic Magnetic Resonance Images: Using mechanical insight to help diagnose pelvic pathologies, Strain. (Imp. Factor: 1.69), Vol. 51, Is. 4, p. 301-310, 2015.
- J. Diani, M. Brieu, K. Blatzer, P. Zerlauth, Effect of the Mullins softening on mode I fracture of carbon-black filled rubbers, Int. J. Fracture (Imp. Factor: 2.25), Vol. 194, Is. 1, p. 11-18, 2015.
- Z. Jiang, JF. Witz, P. Lecomte-Grosbras, J. Dequidt, C. Duriez, Cosson M., S. Cotin, M. Brieu, B-spline based multi-organ detection in magnetic resonance imaging, Strain (Imp. Factor: 1.69), Vol. 51, Is. 3, p. 235-247, 2015.
- J. Lepage, C. Jayyosi, P. Lecomte-Grosbras, M. Brieu, C. Duriez, M. Cosson, C. Rubod, Biomechanica pregnant pelvic system model and numerical simulation of childbirth : impact of delivery on the uterosacral ligaments, preliminary results, Int. Urogynecology J. (Imp. Factor: 1.94), Vol. 26, Is. 4, p. 297-504, 2015.
- J. Berthe, M. Brieu, E. Delteombe, Thermo-viscoelastic modelling of organic matric composites behavior – Application to T700GC/M21, Mech. Mat. (Imp. Factor: 2.65), Vol. 81, p. 18-24, 2015.
- P. Lecomte-Grosbras, J. Rethore, N. Limodin, JF. Witz, M. Brieu, Three-Dimensional investigation of free-edge effects in laminate composites using X-Ray tomography and digital volume correlation, Exp. Mech. (Imp. Factor: 2.09), Vol. 55, Is. 1, p. 301-311, 2015.
H.D.R. Physics 2005, University of Lille
Required in France to supervise research and become Full Professor, thesis: "Contribution to the study of the behavior of rubber-like materials "
PhD. Mechanical Engineering 1999, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay
thesis: "Computation of the Homogenized behavior and modeling of damage of hyperleastic composites materials using parallel computing techniques", with honors
MA.. Mechanical Engineering 1996, University Patis-Sorbonne, Paris VI
BA.. Applied Mathematics 1993, University Patis-Sorbonne, Paris VI