Emeriti Biography of Professor Perry S. Ganas
Dr. Ganas Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
Research Publications of Professor Perry S. Ganas
1. "Exponentially Velocity-Dependent Potential in the Shell Model of O18 ", Physical Review 170, 879 (1968).
2. "Green's Velocity-Dependent Potential in the Shell Model of Po210, Pb210 and Bi210 ", with B. H. J. McKellar, Physical Review 175, 1409 (1968).
3. "Velocity-Dependent Potentials in the Shell Model of 18O and 18F", with B. H. J. McKellar, Nuclear Physics A120, 545 (1968).
4. "Velocity-Dependent Effective N-N Potential for Shell Model Calculations", with B. H. J. McKellar, Physical Review 180, 953 (1969).
5. "Realistic One-Boson Exchange Potentials and Their Applicability in the Shell Model of O18 ", Physical Review C2, 93 (1970).
6. "Modified Born Approximation and the Elastic Scattering of Electrons from Helium", with S. K. Dutta and A. E. S. Green,
Physical Review A2, 111 (1970).
7. "Electron Impact Excitation of the Rare Gases", with A. E. S. Green, Physical Review A4, 182 (1971).
8. "Scattering by a van der Waals Force in the Born Approximation", Physical Review A4, 2224 (1971).
9. "Separation Method for O18 Using One-Boson-Exchange Potentials", Physical Review C5, 36 (1972).
10. "Effective-Range Theory for van der Waals Scattering", Physical Review A5, 1684 (1972).
11. "Calculations of the T=0 Levels of F18 Using One-Boson-Exchange Potentials", Physical Review C6, 38 (1972).
12. "Scattering by an r -2n Potential in the Born Approximation and Application to Dipole-Quadrupole Scattering", Journal of Chemical Physics
57, 1406 (1972).
13. "Theory of Low-Energy Scattering by a Long-Range r -8 Potential" , Physical Review A6, 1493 (1972).
14. "Electron-Impact Excitation and Ionization of Atomic Oxygen", with P. A. Kazaks and A. E. S. Green, Physical Review A6, 2169 (1972).
15. "Distorted-Wave Calculation of Electron-Impact Excitation of Atomic Oxygen", with T. Sawada, Physical Review A7, 617 (1973).
16. "Photoionization of Atomic Nitrogen and Atomic Oxygen", Physical Review A7, 928 (1973).
17. "Optical Oscillator Strengths for Atomic Nitrogen Based Upon an Analytic IPM Model", with A. E. S. Green, Journal of Quantitative
Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 13, 1171 (1973).
18. "Elastic Scattering by Spherically-Symmetric r -2 and r -3 Potentials", Physica 68, 164 (1973).
19. "Excitation of Atomic Nitrogen by Electron Impact", Journal of Chemical Physics 59, 5411 (1973)
20. "Elastic Scattering of Electrons From N2 ", with T. Sawada and A. E. S. Green , Physical Review A9, 1130 (1974).
21. "Optical Oscillator Strengths for Argon", Journal of Chemical Physics 69, 1019 (1978).
22. "Optical Oscillator Strengths for Neon", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 20, 461 (1978).
23. "Electron-Impact Excitation of the Beryllium Isoelectronic Sequence", with A. E. S. Green, Physical Review A19, 2197 (1979).
24. "Optical Oscillator Strengths for Carbon”, Physica 98C, 140 (1979).
25. "Optical Oscillator Strengths for N II", Journal of the Optical Society of America 69, 1140 (1979).
26. "Electron-Impact Excitation Cross Sections for Neon", Molecular Physics 38, 1127 (1979).
27. "Optical Oscillator Strengths for N III", Journal of Chemical Physics 71, 1981 (1979).
28. "Optical Oscillator Strengths for Some Astrophysically Interesting Lines in O III", Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series
38, 313 (1979).
29. "Comparative Studies of Atomic Independent-Particle Potentials", with J. D. Talman and A. E. S. Green, International Journal of
Quantum Chemistry: Quantum Chemistry Symposium 13, 67 (1979).
30. "Optical Oscillator Strengths for O IV", Physics Letters 73A, 161 (1979).
31. "Electron-Impact Excitation Cross Sections for O IV", Physics Letters 74A, 307 (1979).
32. "Optical Oscillator Strengths for Be II and B III", Zeitschrift für Physik A292, 107 (1979).
33. "Electron-Impact Excitation Cross Sections for N III ", Journal of Chemical Physics 71, 4169 (1979).
34. "Electron-Impact Excitation Cross Sections for N II ", Journal of Chemical Physics 72, 2197 (1980).
35. "Optical Oscillator Strengths for C IV and N V", Journal of the Optical Society of America 70, 250 (1980).
36. "Optical Oscillator Strengths for Lithium", International Journal of Quantum Chemistry XVII, 1179 (1980).
37. "Electron-Impact Excitation Cross Sections for O III ", Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 40, 259 (1980).
38. "Optical Oscillator Strengths for the Oxygen Isoelectronic Sequence", Molecular Physics 39, 1513 (1980).
39. "Electron-Impact Excitation Cross Sections for N V", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 23, 441 (1980).
40. "Independent-Particle Models for Light Negative Atomic Ions", with J. D. Talman and A. E. S. Green, Physical Review A22, 336(1980).
41. "An Analytic Model of Electron-Oxygen Elastic Scattering in the 1-500-eV Range", with A. E. S. Green, P. F. Schippnick, and D. E. Rio,
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry: Quantum Chemistry Symposium 14, 71 (1980).
42. "Electron Impact Excitation of the Neon Isoelectronic Sequence", with A. E. S. Green, Journal of Chemical Physics 73, 3891 (1980).
43. "Secondary Electron Distributions, Ionization Cross Sections and Loss Functions for O I - O V", with A. E. S. Green, Journal of
Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 25, 265 (1981).
44. "Optical Oscillator Strengths for Silicon", Optics Communications 36, 193 (1981).
45. "Excitation of Helium by Electron Impact", Journal of Applied Physics 52, 19 (1981).
46. "Optical Oscillator Strengths for Isoelectronic Ions of Nitrogen", International Journal of Quantum Chemistry XIX, 729 (1981).
47. "Electron Impact Excitation Cross Sections for Carbon", Physica 104C, 411 (1981).
48. "Optical Oscillator Strengths for the Phosphorus Isoelectronic Sequence", Journal of the Optical Society of America 71, 908 (1981).
49. "Optical Oscillator Strengths for the Chlorine Isoelectronic Sequence", Journal of Applied Physics 52, 3769 (1981).
50. "Excitation of the Oxygen Isoelectronic Sequence by Electron Impact", Physics Letters 84A, 115 (1981).
51. "Outer-Shell Photoionization of the Beryllium Isoelectronic Sequence", Journal of Chemical Physics 75, 3641 (1981).
52. "Electron Impact Excitation of the Helium Isoelectronic Sequence", Journal of Applied Physics 52, 6482 (1981).
53. "f Values for Isoelectronic Ions of Carbon", Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 46, 101 (1981).
54. "Optical Oscillator Strengths for Isoelectronic Ions of Silicon", Physica 111C, 365 (1981).
55. "Electron Impact Excitation Cross Sections for O II", International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 20, 1073 (1981).
56. "Semiempirical e-N 2 Elastic Scattering Cross Sections from 5 eV to 1 keV", with A. E. S. Green, Journal of Chemical Physics 76, 1819 (1982).
57. "Excitation of Cesium Atoms by Electron Impact", Journal of Chemical Physics 76, 2103 (1982).
58. "Optical Oscillator Strengths for the Sulphur Isoelectronic Sequence", Physics Letters 87A, 394 (1982).
59. "Excitation of Rubidium Atoms by Electron Impact", Zeitschrift für Physik A305, 21 (1982).
60. "Calculation of Oscillator Strengths for P III, S IV, Cl V and Ar VI", International Journal of Theoretical Physics 21, 363 (1982).
61. "Excitation of Lithium Atoms by Electron Impact", Canadian Journal of Physics 61, 1 (1983).
62. "Excitation of Potassium Atoms by Electron Impact", Physica 119C, 337 (1983).
63. "Excitation of Be+ by Electron Impact", with L. P. Gately, Journal of Applied Physics 54, 2167 (1983).
64. "Electron Impact Excitation Cross Sections for B III", with M. Aryafar and L. P. Gately, Australian Journal of Physics 36, 659 (1983).
65. "Excitation of Mg III by Electron Impact", with L. P. Gately, Physics Letters 101A, 124 (1984).
66. "Electron-Impact Excitation Cross Sections for Na II", with M. Aryafar and L. P. Gately, Journal of Chemical Physics 81, 2187 (1984).
67. "Potentials for Atomic Negative Ions", with L. P. Gately and T. Arakelian, Physical Review A30, 2958 (1984).
68. "Excitation of Sodium Atoms by Electron Impact", Journal of Applied Physics 57, 154 (1985).
69. "Yukawa Potentials for Atomic Negative Ions", with T. Arakelian, Journal of Applied Physics 60, 2713 (1986).
70. "Optical Oscillator Strengths for Isoelectronic Ions of Sodium", Journal of Applied Physics 62, 1 (1987).
71. "Electron Impact Excitation Cross Sections for Chlorine", Journal of Applied Physics 63, 277 (1988).
72. "Optical Oscillator Strengths for Germanium, Tin and Lead", Journal of Applied Physics 65, 905 (1989).
73. "Excitation Cross Sections for Electron Collisions with Sulphur Atoms", Journal of Chemical Physics 92, 2374 (1990).
74. "Oscillator Strengths for Ge II", Astronomy and Astrophysics 298, 634 (1995).
75. "Oscillator Strengths for Neutral Selenium and Tellurium", Astronomy and Astrophysics 325, 1280 (1997).
76. "Electron Impact Excitation Cross Sections for Phosphorus", European Physical Journal D1, 165 (1998).
77. "Electron Impact Excitation of Si I", Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 138, 323 (1999).
78. "Oscillator Strengths for As I - III", Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 143, 491 (2000).