Robin Dodds

Woman with red hair and green glasses smiling
College of Education
Special Education
Office KHB2022
323 343 4408

Project CIELO- Funding for ECSE and SLP students to work with CLD families



I was an Early Childhood Special Education teacher and Early Interventionist for 11 years before returning to school to pursue my Doctoral Degree at the University of California Santa Barbara. I am also the parent of a son with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and feel that having a child with a disability made me a better teacher. I value the experience and expertise of parents and have worked diligently to foster collaboration between families and schools. I also have experience as a member of a Developmental Diagnostic team at Northwestern University as part of my work on two Federally-Funded Autism research grants.

 Teaching Interests

I am interested in teaching students about evidence-based interventions for young children with disabilities, supporting and collaborating with families, assessment and the importance of communication for students with disabilities.


My primary research interests focus on supporting families of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and related Developmental Disabilities in two ways; through Parent to Parent social support and through parent-mediated interventions for social communication. Additionally, it is imperative to bring evidence-based interventions to underserved communities. Over the next several years, I will be involved in research projects that encompass these interests. These projects involve; a) adapting Parent to Parent, an evidence-based social support program, for culturally and linguistically diverse parents of children with ASD and other developmental disorders, b) developing and assessing an online parent training for toddlers with ASD in low-resource communities and, c) comparing the effects of online and traditional social support mechanisms for parents of children with disabilities.


Chang, Y.C., Hunt, N. & Dodds, R. L. (2023). Building Better Bridges: Perceptions of Transition from Early Intervention Programs to Preschool from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Parents, Early Interventionists, and Preschool Special Educators. Infants & Young Children, 36(2), 164-174.

Dodds, R. L.  & *Maurer, K. J. (2022). Pandemic stress and coping in adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in urban Los Angeles: A qualitative interview study, Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, DOI: 10.1080/19315864.2022.2076960

Dodds, R. L. (2020). Helping optimize language acquisition (HOLA) Online parent training modules for latinx parents of toddlers at risk for ASD: Protocol for a pilot funded by the Organization for Autism Research. JMIR Research Protocols, 9(12), e18004.

Dodds, R. L. (2021). An exploratory review of the associations between adverse experiences and autism. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 30(8), 1093-1112.

Dodds, R. L. (2021). Meeting families where they are: Text-based support in Parent to Parent programs. Child: Care, Health & Development, 47(2), 290-296.

Dodds, R. L. & *Ye, Y. (2022). Features of Autism in Children with Visual Impairments: A Brief Report. International Journal of Child Development and Mental Health, 10(2), 27-35.

Dodds, R. L., *Maurer, K.J., Spivey-Montgomery, L., *Cutting, S., & *Jilek, C. (2022). Self-advocate perspectives on COVID-19 in urban Los Angeles: Impacts on autonomy and access to supports. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.

Dodds, R. L., & Singer, G. H. (2018). ParenttoParent support providers: How recruits are identified. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 31(3), 435-444.

Dodds, R. L., & Walch, T. J. (2022). The glue that keeps everybody together: Peer support in mothers of young children with special health care needs. Child: Care, Health & Development. On-line advance publication.  

Dodds, R. L., Singer, G. H. S., & Wang, M. (2023). Who is ready? A peer support screening measure for parents of children with disabilities. Family Relations, 1– 14.

Dodds, R. L., Yarbrough, D. V., & Quick, N. (2018). Lessons learned: Providing peer support to culturally diverse families of children with disabilities or special health care needs. Social Work, 63(3), 261-264.

Homerin, N. & Dodds, R. L. (2024) The transition from early intervention to preschool for children with multiple disabilities: A narrative review, Early Child Development and Care, DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2024.2309480

Johnson, J., Dodds, R. L., & Wood, J. J. (2023). Experiences of autistic college students in higher education and their relations with faculty. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.

Kim, H., Kim, S.A., Lee, H., & Dodds, R. L. (2023)  Korean immigrant mothers and the journey to autism diagnosis and services for their child in the United States. J Autism Dev Disord.  

Kim, H.Y. & Dodds, R.L. (2023).Disclosing the Child’s Disability: Perspectives of First-Generation US Immigrant Korean Mothers. Disability & Society.

Wang, M., Lam, Y. W., Kim, J., Singer, G. H., & Dodds, R. (2016). Behavioral parent training as evidence-based practices for families of children with developmental disabilities. In Supporting Families of Children with Developmental Disabilities: Evidence-based and Emerging Practices, 73.


Postdoctoral Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities 2016-2018

  • University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL

Ph.D. Special Education 2015

  • University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA

Teaching Credential ECSE 2004

  • California State University, Dominguez Hills, Carson, CA

M.F.A. Writing, Literature and Publishing 1999

  • Emerson College, Boston, MA

B.A. Creative Writing 1997

  • Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY