Susan Terebey

Photo of  Professor S. Terebey
College of Natural & Social Sciences
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Office ASCB321A


Star and Planet Formation Laboratory at Cal State LA: visit our website /research/astro

Some of the research opportunities for students in astrophysics are described at the following URL




Institution                                 Degree                        Date                 Field

Univ of California Santa Cruz              B.A.                 1977                Physics

Univ of California Berkeley                  Ph.D.                1984                Astronomy


Employment History:

2011-present: Professor of Physics and Astronomy (Chair  2011-2012),

                        California State University Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California

2006-2011:     Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy

                        California State University Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California

2001-2006:     Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy

                        California State University Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California

1996-2001:     President

                        Extrasolar Research Corporation, Pasadena CA & Niskayuna NY                  

2000-2001:     Visiting Research Professor

                        Union College, Schenectady, NY

1989-1996:     Research Scientist

                        Infrared Processing and Analysis Center, Caltech and JPL, CA

1989:               Postdoctoral Fellow

                        Canadian Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, Toronto, CAN

1986-1989:     Postdoctoral Fellow

                        Owens Valley Radio Observatory, Caltech, CA

1986-1989:     Postdoctoral Fellow

                        High Altitude Observatory, NCAR, Boulder, CO

Academic and Professional Societies: American Astronomical Society; Optics Society of Southern California

Selected Publications:

  1. “The Power of FORCAST in Estimating Internal Luminosities of Low Mass Proto- stars”, Huard, Tracy L and Terebey, Susan; 2017 Astrophysical Journal, 851, 115
  2. “A First Look at the Auriga-California Giant Molecular Cloud with Herschel and the CSO: Census of the Young Stellar Objects and the Dense Gas”, P. M. Harvey, C. Fallscheer, A. Ginsburg, S. Terebey, et. al., 2013 ApJ 764, 133
  3. “The Spitzer Survey of Interstellar Clouds in the Gould Belt. V. Ophiuchus North Observed with IRAC and MIPS", J. Hatchell, S. Terebey, T. Huard, E. E. Mamajek, L. Allen, T. L. Bourke, M. M. Dunham, R. Gutermuth, P. M. Harvey, J. K. Jorgensen and 3 coauthors 2012 ApJ 754, 104
  4.  “New Young Star Candidates in the Taurus-Auriga Region as Selected from WISE" L. M. Rebull, X. P. Koenig, D. L. Padgett, S. Terebey, P. M. McGehee, L. A. Hillenbrand, G. Knapp, D. Leisawitz, W. Liu, A. Noriega-Crespo, M. Ressler, K. R. Stapelfeldt, S. Fajardo-Acosta, A. Mainzer 2011, ApJS 196, 4
  5. “Evolutionary Models of the Formation of Protostars out of Low-Mass, Dense Cores: Towards Reconciling Models and Observations", M. M. Dunham, N. J. Evans, II, S. Terebey, C. P. Dullemond \& C. H. Young, 2010, Astrophysical Journal, 710, 470
  6. “Far-infrared Observations of the Very Low-Luminosity Embedded Source L1521F-IRS in the Taurus Star-Forming Region.”, S. Terebey, M. Fich, A. Noriega-Crespo, D. L. Padgett, M. Fukagawa, M. Audard, T. Brooke, S. Carey, N. J. Evans, II et al. and 7 coauthors, 2009 ApJ, 696, 1918.

Other significant publications

  1. S. Terebey, F. H. Shu, P. M. Cassen 1984, The Collapse of the Cores of Slowly Rotating Isothermal Clouds, Astrophysical Journal (ApJ) 286, 529
  2. S. Terebey, M. Fich, 1986, The Correlation Between the IRAS Infrared Cirrus and Neutral Atomic Hydro- gen in the Outer Galaxy, ApJ, 309, L73
  3. W. J. Welch, J. W. Dreher, J. M. Jackson, S. Terebey, and S. N. Vogel, 1987, Star Formation in W49A: Gravitational Collapse of the Molecular Cloud Core Toward a Ring of Massive Stars, Science, 238, 1550
  4. S. Terebey, S. N. Vogel, and P. C. Myers, 1989, High Resolution CO Observations of Young Low-Mass Stars, ApJ, 340, 472
  5. S. Terebey, C. A. Beichman, T. N. Gautier, and J. J. Hester 1990, The Circumstellar Environment of TMR-1: A Young Low Mass Star in the Taurus Molecular Ring, ApJ, 362, L63

Synergistic Activities:

  1. PI of NSF GK-12 grant 2003-2006 “Science For Our Schools”, funded and trained 25 MS students in physics, chemistry, geology, and biology to work with high school science teachers in schools with large underrepresented minority student populations.
  2. CoPI of NASA MIRO grant 2015-2020 NASA DIRECT-STEM (Data Intensive Research and Education Center in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). A 5 year program to give underrepresented students NASA research experiences in scientific computing and data analysis.