Zilong Ye

College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology
Department of Computer Science

Zilong Ye, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90032
Office: E&T A327
Phone: (323) 343-6689
E-mail: zilong.ye@calstatela.edu


 About Me


  • Two papers on distributed fiber optic sensing have been accepted by OFC 2024.


  • My research interests focus on algorithm and system design in the computer networking areas, including Network Function Virtualization, Software-Defined Networking, Fog Computing, Information-Centric Networking, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, and Optical Networking.



  • P. N. Ji, Z. Ye, Y. K. Huang, T. Lima, Y. Aono, K. Asahi, and T. Wang, “Optical Network Anomaly Detection and Localization Based on Forward Transmission Sensing and Route Optimization,” IEEE/OSA OFC, 2024.
  • P. N. Ji, Z. Ye, G. Wellbrock, T. Xia, M. F. Huang, Y. Aono, and T. Wang, “Field Implementation of Fiber Cable Monitoring for Mesh Networks with Optimized Multi-Channel Sensor Placement,” IEEE/OSA OFC, 2024.


  • Z. Ye, P. N. Ji and T. Wang, “Seamless Service Handover in UAV-based Mobile Edge Computing,” IEEE GLOBECOM, 2023.


  • Z. Ye, P. N. Ji and T. Wang, “Availability Analysis for Reliable Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors Placement,” IEEE IPC, 2022. 
  • Z. Ye, P. N. Ji and T. Wang, “Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors Placement for Intrastructure-as-a-Sensor,” Springer Photonic Network Communications Journal (PNC), 2022.


  • Z. Ye, P. N. Ji and T. Wang, “An Efficient Approach for Placing Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors with Concurrent Sensing Capability,” IEEE OECC, 2021. 
  • Z. Ye, P. N. Ji and T. Wang, “Survivable Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor Placement against Single Link Failure,” IEEE ICC, 2021. (Best Paper Award) 


  • Z. Ye, P. N. Ji and T. Wang, “Address Challenges in Placing Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors,” IEEE/OSA ECOC, 2020. 
  • L. Luo, Y. Kong, M. Noormohammadpour, Z. Ye, G. Sun. H. Yu and B. Li, “Deadline-Aware Fast One-to-Many Bulk Transfers over Inter-Datacenter Networks,” IEEE Transctions on Cloud Computing, 2019. 
  • R. Maharaja, P. Iyer and Z. Ye, "A Hybrid Fog-Cloud Approach for Securing the Internet of Things," in Springer Journal of Cluster Computing, 2019. 
  • L. Long, H. Yu, S. Luo, Z. Ye, X. Du and M. Guizani, "Scalable explicit path control in software-defined networks," in Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2019.
  • P. Zhou, H. Yu, G. Sun, L. Luo, S. Luo and Z. Ye, “Flow-aware Explicit Congestion Notification for Datacenter Networks,” in Springer Journal of Cluster Computing, 2019. 
  • C. Galdamez, R. Pamula and Z. Ye, "On Efficient Virtual Network Function Chaining in NFV-based Telecommunications Networks," in Springer Journal of Cluster Computing, 2019. 
  • K. Sawada, M. W. Clark, Z. Ye, N. Alshurafa, and M. Pourhomayoun, “Analyzing the Potential Occurrence of Osteoporosis and Its Correlation to Cardiovascular Disease Using Predictive Analytic,” in IARIA International Journal On Advances in Life Sciences, 2019.
  • R. Yan, Y. Zhu, D. Li and Z. Ye, “Minimum Cost Seed Set for Threshold Influence Problem under Competitive Models,” Springer Journal of World Wide Web (WWW), 2018.
  • C. DeMatteis, E. Allen, and Z. Ye, "LAunchPad: The Design and Evaluation of a STEM Recruitment Program for Women," in IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2018.
  • L. Luo, H. Yu and Z. Ye, "Deadline-guaranteed Point-to-Multipoint Bulk Transfers in Inter-Datacenter Networks," in IEEE ICC, 2018. 
  • L. Luo, H. Yu, Z. Ye and X. Du, "Online Deadline-aware Bulk Transfer over Inter-Datacenter WANs," in IEEE INFOCOM, 2018. 
  • J. Sunthonlap, P. Nguyen and Z. Ye, "Intelligent Device Discovery in the Internet of Things - Enabling the Robot Society," https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.08296. 
  • H. Sadadi, D. Aloufi and Z. Ye, "Predict Movie Revenue by Sentimental Analysis of Twitter," in ACM ICDPA, Guangzhou, China, 2018.
  • S. Alharbi, P. Rodriguez, R. Maharaja, P. Iyer, N. Bose and Z. Ye, "FOCUS: A Fog Computing-based Security System for the Internet of Things," in IEEE CCNC workshop on Edge Computing, 2018. 
  • J. Sunthonlap, P. Nguyen, H. Wang, M. Pourhomayoun, Y. Zhu and Z. Ye, "SAND: A Social-Aware and Distributed Scheme for Device Discovery in the Internet of Things," IEEE ICNC, 2018. 
  • H. Wang, A. Balasubramani and Z. Ye, "Optimal Planning of Renewable Generations for Electric Vehicle Charging Station," IEEE ICNC, 2018. 


  • C. Galdamez, R. Pamula and Z. Ye, "Cost-Efficient Virtual Network Function Chaining over NFV-based Telecommunication Networks," in IEEE ANTS, 2017.
  • S. Alharbi, P. Rodriguez, R. Maharaja, P. Iyer, N. Bose and Z. Ye, "Secure the Internet of Things with Challenge Response Authentication in Fog Computing," in IEEE IPCCC, 2017. (poster)
  • G. Zhao, Z. Xu, Z. Ye, K. Wang and J. Wu, "A Load-Balancing Algorithm Based on Key-Link and Resource Contribution Degree for Virtual Optical Networks Mapping," IEEE CITS, 2017.
  • C. Galdamez and Z. Ye, "Resilient Virtual Network Mapping Against Large-scale Regional Failures," IEEE WOCC, 2017. (Invited) 
  • L. Liu, M. Bahrami, Y Peng, L. Xie, A. Ito, S. Mnatsakanyan, G. Qu, Z. Ye, H. Guo, "ICN-FC: An Information-Centric Networking Based Framework for Efficient Functional Chaining," IEEE ICC, 2017. 
  • Z. Ye, Y. Zhu, P. N. Ji, C. Sun and R. Pamula, "Virtual Infrastructure Mapping in Software-Defined Elastic Optical Networks," Springer Photonic Network Communications Journal (PNC), 2017. 
  • M. Bahrami, L. Xie, L. Liu, A. Ito, Y Peng, S. Mnatsakanyan, G. Qu, Z. Ye, H. Guo, "Secure Functional Chaining Enabled by Information-Centric Networking," IEEE ICNC, 2017.


  • H. Wang, Z. Ye, "Renewable Energy-Aware Demand Response for Distributed Data Centers in Smart Grid," IEEE Green Energy and System Conference (GESC), 2016.
  • A. Guardado, Z. Ye, H. Guo, L. Liu, L. Xie and A. Ito, "NDNWiFi: Named Data Networking enabled WiFi in Challenged Communication Environments," IEEE GLOBECOM workshop on ICN solutions for Real-world Applications 2016.
  • L. Liu, L. Xie, M. Bahrami, Y Peng, A. Ito, S. Mnatsakanyan, G. Qu, Z. Ye, H. Guo, "Demonstration of a Functional Chaining System Enabled by Named-Data Networking," ACM ICN, 2016. (Best Demo Award)
  • Z. Ye, X. Cao and C. Qiao, "Joint Topology Design and Mapping of Service Function Chains in Network Function Virtualization," IEEE GLOBECOM, 2016.
  • Z. Ye and Philip N. Ji, "Multilayer Virtual Infrastructure Mapping in IP over WDM Networks," IEEE/OSA OECC 2016.
  • Z. Ye, X. Cao, J. Wang, H. Yu and C. Qiao, "Joint Topology Design and Mapping of Service Function Chains for Efficient, Scalable and Reliable Network Function Virtualization," IEEE Network, 2016.


  • L. Liu, Z. Ye and A. Ito, "CAMS: Coordinator Assisted Mobility Support for Seamless and Bandwidth-Efficient Handover in ICN," IEEE GLOBECOM workshop on ICN solutions for Real-world Applications 2015. 
  • X. Gao, Z. Ye, W. Zhong, Y. Zhao, J. Fan, X. Cao, H. Yu and C. Qiao, "Virtual Network Mapping for Multicast Services with Max-Min Fairness of Reliability," IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN), 2015.
  • X. Gao, W. Zhong, Z. Ye, Y. Zhao, J. Fan, X. Cao, H. Yu and C. Qiao, "Virtual Network Mapping for Reliable Multicast Services with Max-Min Fairness," IEEE GLOBECOM 2015.
  • J. Fan, Z. Ye, C. Guan, X. Gao, K. Ren and C. Qiao, "GREP: Guaranteeing Reliability with Enhanced Protection in NFV," ACM SIGCOMM workshop on HotMiddleBox 2015.
  • S. Shakya, X. Cao, Z. Ye and C. Qiao, "Spectrum Allocation in Spectrum-sliced Elastic Optical Path Networks using Prediction," Springer Photonic Network Communications (PNC), 2015.
  • X. Gao, Z. Ye, C. Qiao, X. Cao, H. Zhang and H. Yu, "Multicast Service-oriented Virtual Network Mapping over Elastic Optical Networks," IEEE ICC 2015.
  • Z. Ye, A. N. Patel, P. N. Ji and C. Qiao, "Survivable Virtual Infrastructure Mapping with Dedicated Protection in Transport Software-Defined Networks," IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN), 2014. (Invited)
  • W. Tang, X. Yang, J. Li and Z. Ye, "Dynamic Multicast Light-Tree Construction in Intra-Datacenter Networks with Fast Optical Switching," Journal of Internet Technology (JIT), Nov., 2014.
  • S. Shakya, N. Pradhan, X. Cao, Z. Ye and C. Qiao, "Virtual Network Embedding and Reconfiguration in Elastic Optical Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2014.
  • Z. Ye, A. N. Patel, P. N. Ji, and C. Qiao, "Distance-Adaptive and Fragmentation-Aware Optical Traffic Grooming in Flexible Grid Optical Networks," IEEE/OSA OECC 2014.
  • Z. Ye, A. N. Patel, P. N. Ji, and C. Qiao, "Root Mean Square (RMS) Factor for Assessing Spectral Fragmentation in Flexible Grid Optical Networks," IEEE/OSA OECC 2014.
  • A. N. Patel, Z. Ye, P. N. Ji and C. Qiao "Survivable Virtual Infrastructure Mapping with Shared Protection in Transport Software-Defined Networks (T-SDNs)," IEEE/OSA OECC 2014.
  • Z. Ye, X. Li, A. N. Patel, P. N. Ji, X. Cao and C. Qiao, "Upgrade-aware Virtual Infrastructure Mapping in Software-Defined Elastic Optical Networks," Springer Photonic Network Communications (PNC), June, 2014.
  • Z. Ye, A. N. Patel, P. N. Ji, and C. Qiao, "Survivable Virtual Infrastructure Mapping over Transport Software-Defined Networks," IEEE/OSA OFC 2014.
  • A. N. Patel, Z. Ye, and P. N. Ji, "Cloud Service Embedding over Software-Defined Flexible Grid Optical Transport Networks," IEEE/OSA OFC 2014.
  • S. Shakya, X. Cao, Z. Ye and C. Qiao, "Spectrum Allocation for Time-varying Traffic in Elastic Optical Networks using Traffic Pattern," IEEE/OSA OFC 2014.
  • Z. Ye, A. N. Patel, P. N. Ji, C. Qiao and T. Wang, "Virtual Infrastructure Embedding over Software-Defined Flex-grid Optical Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM workshop on SDN on Optics 2013.
  • S. Shakya, Y. Wang, X. Cao, Z. Ye and C. Qiao, "Minimize Sub-carrier Reallocation in Elastic Optical Path Networks using Traffic Prediction," IEEE GLOBECOM 2013.
  • Z. Ye, X. Cao, X. Gao and C. Qiao, "A Predictive and Incremental Grooming Scheme for Time-varying Traffic in WDM Networks," IEEE INFOCOM mini-conference 2013.


  • P. N. Ji, T. Wang and Z. Ye, "Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor Placement Procedure," US Patent, Application No. 11, 971,294.
  • P. N. Ji, Z. Ye and T. Wang, "Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor Placement," US Patent, Application No. 11,742,939.
  • P. N. Ji, T. Wang and Z. Ye, "Concurrent Sensing Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor Placement," US Patent, Application No. 11,677,470.
  • Z. Ye L. Liu, and A. Ito, "Packet Handling in Information Centric Networks," US Patent, Application No. 14/845, 206.
  • L. Liu, A. Ito and Z. Ye, "Intelligent Routing in Information Centric Networking," US Patent, Application No. 14/845,151.


  • CS1010 - Introduction to Higher Education in Computer Science Majors
  • CS2011 - Introduction to Java Programming
  • CS4440 - Introduction to Operating Systems
  • CS4470 - Computer Networking Protocols
  • CS4471 - Computer Network Configurations and Management
  • CS4963 - Computer Science Recapitulation
  • CS5470 - Advanced Computer Networks

Professional Activities