Cognitive and Behavioral Research Labs


Cognitive labs

Corinne Bower ► Child Development and Learning Lab

Lab: KH D3073


Research interests include understanding the equity gap in young children's school readiness skills and ways to reduce it. This involves designing and examining the effectiveness of educational interventions created to help children's early science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning. These interventions include hands-on activities, like block-building, as well as educational app use in both early home environments and formal educational settings, like classrooms.


Mitchell Eisen ► Forensic Psychology Eyewitness Memory Lab

Lab: KH D3071-E


Research interests span over two broad areas. Much of his current work examines issues related to eyewitness memory and suggestibility. In addition, Dr. Eisen does research on children's memory and suggestibility with a focus on examining the impact of stress and trauma on memory reports, and disclosures of abuse.


Joel Ellwanger ► Cognitive Psychophysiology Laboratory

Lab: KH D3077-C


Research interests include cognitive psychology neuroscience, including the study of attention and memory through the use of physiological indices of cognition.


Robert Kennison ► Silver Eagle Lab on Aging, Cognition, and Emotion

Lab: KH C3105


The Silver Eagle Lab on Aging, Cognition, and Emotion focuses on age-related changes in cognition and emotion regulation. Current research directions include 1) the positivity effect in aging, and 2) longitudinal assessment of age changes in memory and cognition and the individual differences predictors of those changes.


Ji Son ► Learning Lab

Lab: KH C165


Research focus: How can we help all students learn hard things? The CalStateLA Learning Lab conducts research on this question and other important questions about learning and development to address major issues in education. Our lab (in partnership with the UCLA Teaching and Learning Lab) has developed a unique interactive statistics textbook (check it out at to study how to promote strong and flexible learning in statistics and data science.




Social Psychology Lab