Bachelor of Arts

Group shot of six smiling students wearing Cal State LA attire


The Sociology Department offers a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology. 

The 120-unit major consists of 24 core units in Sociology and an additional 21 units from a specialty option: General Sociology, Inequalities and Diversity, Law and Society, or Social Gerontology.

Core Courses (24 units):

All Sociology majors are required to take the following core courses or their equivalent:

SOC 2010 - Introduction to Sociology
SOC 2100 - Elementary Statistics
SOC 3100 - Intermediate Statistics
SOC 3480 - Sociology of Race/Ethnicity, Class, and Gender
SOC 3700 - Civic Learning
SOC 3900 - Quantitative Research and Writing
SOC 3910 - Qualitative Research and Writing
SOC 4120 - Sociological Theory


Option Courses (21 units):

Sociology majors select additional courses from their specialty option:

The General Sociology Option allows students to gain an overall understanding of society and to develop a range of theoretical and methodological tools without focusing on one thematic area.


  • 15 units approved upper-division courses in Sociology
  • 6 units of additional approved upper-division courses, including courses from other disciplines and directed study (SOC 4930SOC 4990)
  • The approved list is available in the Department and automated on GET. Students may also refer to Degree Planner.

Checklist for the General Sociology Option

The Inequalities and Diversity Option builds on the strength of Cal State LA as a diverse, urban institution. Courses in the option provide students with concentrated study on various types of inequalities, preparing them for careers in an increasingly diverse, multicultural, and global society.


SOC 3000 - Cultural Emotions 
SOC 3310 - The Dynamics of Poverty
SOC 3410 - Sociology of Gender 
SOC 4150 - Political Sociology
SOC 4160 - Feminist Theories and Contemporary Society (also listed as WGSS 4160)
SOC 4210 - Social Sources of Human Sexuality
SOC 4230 - Sociology of Globalization and Resistance 
SOC 4350 - Asian Societies 
SOC 4380 - Sociology of Sport
SOC 4390 - Aging and Family Life
SOC 4400 - Partnership, Marriage, and Families
SOC 4410 - Researching Gender in Social Institutions
SOC 4420 - Social Change
SOC 4430 - Social Policy, Inequity, and Non-Traditional Families
SOC 4450 - Sociology of Religion
SOC 4470 - Work and the Workplace
SOC 4480 - Social Class and Inequality
SOC 4820 - Sociology of Genocide
SOC 4830 - Sociology of Human Rights

  • 9 units approved additional electives, including up to 6 units of directed study (SOC 4930SOC 4990). The approved list is available through the Department and automated on GET. Students may also refer to Degree Planner.

Checklist for the Inequalities and Diversities Option

The Law and Society Option examines social issues related to law and public policy. It is designated for students who wish to prepare for advanced studies and careers in sociology, law, criminal justice, public policy and administration, urban and environmental planning, social work, and other service occupations.


SOC 3830 - Violence and Society
SOC 4260 - Deviant Behavior
SOC 4330 - Bioethics and Sociology
SOC 4490 - Professionals in Society
SOC 4790 - Drug Use and Public Policy
SOC 4800 - Criminology
SOC 4810 - Sociology of Policing
SOC 4820 - Sociology of Genocide
SOC 4830 - Sociology of Human Rights
SOC 4850 - Domestic Violence
SOC 4870 - Environmental Policy, Law, and Society

  • 0-9 units of additional upper-division elective courses, including directed study coursework (SOC 4960; SOC 4990). The approved list is available through the Department and automated on GET. Students may also refer to Degree Planner.

Checklist for the Law and Society Option

The Social Gerontology Option provides students with a foundation in the sociology of aging, including its socio-cultural, biological, developmental, and policy dimensions. Majors in the option are prepared to not only work directly with aging populations but also to develop, support, and evaluate social programs and policies for the elderly.


SOC 3220 - Socialization: Childhood and Adolescence
SOC 3230 - Adult Life in a Diverse World
SOC 4250 - Medical Sociology
SOC 4270 - Society and Mental Illness
SOC 4280 - Self and Identity
SOC 4330 - Bioethics and Sociology
SOC 4340 - Population and Society
SOC 4390 - Aging and Family Life
SOC 4400 - Partnership, Marriage, and Families
SOC 4520 - Life Span Transitions: The Retirement Years
SOC 4530 - Social Aspects of Death and Bereavement
SOC 4550 - Older Adults' Life Stories
SOC 4560 - Global Aging
SOC 4570 - Women and Aging
SOC 4850 - Domestic Violence

  • 0-9 units of approved upper-division electives, including up to six units of directed study coursework (SOC 4930; SOC 4990). The approved list is available through the Department and automated on GET. Students may also refer to Degree Planner.

Checklist for the Social Gerontology Option
