May Session 2025: How to Register

Cal State L.A. is a pay-ahead campus. You must pay tuition before completing your enrollment.

May Session 2025: Continuing Cal State LA Students

Cal State LA continuing students will register through GET. Please check your email for your GET appointment date. Cal State LA requires payment in full when registering for courses. For more information, please visit Cal State LA's One-Stop Financial Services. Access GET here.

May Session 2025: Non-Cal State LA Students

The registration date for May Session is coming soon. 

  • Non-Cal State LA students may choose courses from the May Session Class Schedule.
  • The instructor's signature is not required before the start of the term. However, prerequisites must be completed.
  • The College of Professional and Global Education (PaGE) Enrollment Services staff can assist you Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. via email:

May Session: Non-Cal State LA Students - How to Register

  1. Complete the May Session Intent to Enroll Form once (The form is forthcoming).* If you want additional courses, email Cal State LA's College of Professional and Global Education (PaGE) Enrollment Services with the course name, number, and section. Include your full name in all emails.
  2. After submitting the form, please allow 2-3 business days to be activated in the Golden Eagle Territory (GET), the Cal State LA Student Portal, for the course(s); and receive your Campus Identification Number (CIN).
  3. Once reviewed, PaGE Enrollment Services see if the course of interest is still open and available for enrollment.
  4. If the course is open a payment link will be forwarded to you. If payment is received and the course has not reached capacity, PaGE Enrollment Services will enroll you as a non-Cal State LA student. You cannot self-enroll.

*Enrollment is based on course availability. If the course is full, instructor and department chair approval will be needed.

May Session: Third-Party Billing

If your company or organization wants to be billed directly for your tuition and fees, please email an authorization letter to PaGE Enrollment Services. A third-party sponsor agreement or authorization letter of services (see below) must be received before registering for classes and no later than the census date (the end of the add/drop period).

Please note that if your sponsor does not pay some or all your tuition and fees, it will be your responsibility to pay for the outstanding balance, and a financial hold may be placed on your account.

The third-party authorization letter must include:

  • Student's full name
  • Campus Identification Number (CIN)
  • The period covered.
  • The maximum amount of coverage.
  • The types of tuition and fees covered and/or not covered.
  • Sponsor's billing address.
  • Contact person, phone number, and email address.

For questions contact PaGE Enrollment Services at (213) 873-1351.