James Brady (Anthropology) presented a paper, "La traducción de un cosmograma Maya sobre un paisaje terrestre no colaborativo," at the Mesa Redonda Mayab 2017 in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, Oct. 21, 2017.
Choi Chatterjee (History) co-curated an exhibition, "Revolutionizing the World? The Russian Revolution at its Centenary, 1917-2017," at the Cal State LA Fine Arts Gallery, Oct. 9-19, 2017. The exhibition presented visual artifacts generated by the seismic events of 1917 to tell the story of progressive ideas in the modern world.

Ramani Durvasula (Psychology) presented “A History of HIV/AIDS in Women: Shifting Narrative and a Structural Call to Arms” as part of the American Psychological Association’s 125th Anniversary Convention, titled “Past, Present and Future of HIV/AIDS Science and Practice in Psychology,” Aug. 2017.

Bianca Guzmán (GO East LA) coordinated the Verizon Innovative Learning program at Cal State LA in the summer of 2017 with support from faculty members Mauricio Castillo (Technology), Claudia Kouyoumdjian (Child and Family Studies), and Jessica Morales-Chicas (Child and Family Studies). Funded by a $400,000 grant, the Verizon program provides science, technology, engineering, and math experiences to middle school boys in East Los Angeles.
John M. Kennedy (Music), with support from the U.S. Embassy, performed in the Santa Marija Convoy Concert, “Homage għar-Reżistenza: Malta, the Ohio and Santa Marija,” at St. Paul’s Anglican Cathedral in Valletta, Malta, Aug. 14, 2017.

William M. London (Public Health) presented the webinar, "The 'Health Freedom' Movement Versus Consumer Protection," as part of the Talking Public Health series, sponsored by the Southern California Public Health Association, on the California Baptist University's Department of Health Science website, in May 2017. Professor London and M.S. student Parul Chouhan in health care management presented "Aberrant Treatments Promoted on Websites of Licensed Naturopathic Doctors in Los Angeles County" at the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry's Conference 2017, in Las Vegas, NV, Oct. 2017.

Kelly J. Madison (TV, Film and Media Studies), center, was a presenter on a Kentucky Humanities Council panel, “Aunt Jemima and the Complexities of Race,” a community conversation about stereotypes and race relations, at the Lyric Theatre, in Lexington, KY, Sept. 21, 2017. She also spoke on the same topic at Frederick Douglass High School, addressing student leaders from local high schools in Lexington.

Mohammad Pourhomayoun (Computer Science) and his data science research team have partnered with the Los Angeles Department of Transportation and the Toyota Mobility Foundation to develop a traffic monitoring and management system as a part of L.A.’s VisionZero project. The goal of the project is to prevent fatal accidents, particularly for pedestrian and bicyclists. The first phase of the project has been developed and implemented by the Cal State LA team and successfully tested on five traffic cameras in downtown Los Angeles. The collaborative project was announced during the LA CoMotion Conference, Nov. 15-17, 2017.

Kaveri Subrahmanyam (Child and Family Studies) was a presenter on two panels, “Digital Screen Media and Cognitive Development” and “Benefits and Costs of Social Media in Adolescence,” during the Interdisciplinary Summit on Children and Screen Time, in Washington, DC, Nov. 1, 2017.

Ericka Verba (Latin American Studies), right, was invited to be a keynote speaker at the International Colloquium on Violeta Parra, in Santiago, Chile, Aug. 30-31, 2017. Parra is a Chilean artist and musician. The colloquium is sponsored by the National Council for Culture and the Arts of Chile and the Violeta Parra Foundation, in honor of the centennial of Parra’s birth.

Jongwook Woo (Information Systems), far left, presented “Big Data Analysis of Local Business and Reviews,” with students Ruchi Singh and Yashaswi Ananth, at The 19th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Pangyo, Seongnam, Korea, Aug. 17- 18, 2017.

Ping Yao (History) was a speaker on a panel, "The Women’s Studies Revolution: The Room Where It Happened," at Harvard Divinity School’s bicentennial celebration, May 2, 2017.