Joanne Altschuler (Social Work) authored an article, "Midlife and Older Women’s Experiences and Advice about Sex with Men, Risk Behaviors, and HIV Prevention Education," in the Journal of Women & Aging, vol. 30, no. 1, 2016. It has also been published on Taylor & Francis online.

Michael Calabrese (English) authored a book, entitled An Introduction to Piers Plowman (New Perspectives on Medieval Literature: Authors and Traditions), University Press of Florida, Aug. 23, 2016.

Roberto Cantú (Emeritus, Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies) edited two books in 2016: Equestrian Rebels: Critical Perspectives on Mariano Azuela and the Novel of the Mexican Revolution (UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016), and The Forked Juniper: Critical Perspectives on Rudolfo Anaya (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press). He published a review of Rudolfo Anaya's book of poetry, Poems From the Río Grande, in World Literature Today (May 2016), and a book review of Alfredo Véa’s novel, The Mexican Flyboy, also in World Literature Today (Sept. 2016).

Domnita Dumitrescu (Emerita, Modern Languages and Literature) authored the following: “Spanglish, estadounidismos y bilingüismo vestigial:¿Qué es qué?” in Visiones europeas del Spanglish, ed. by Silvia Betti and Daniel Jorques Jiménez. Valencia: Ediciones Uno y Cero, 2015; “Aspectos pragmáticos y discursivos del español estadounidense/ Pragmatic and discursive aspects of Spanish in the United States,” Informes del observatorio/Observatory reports 015-11-2015; “Homenaje a Luis Alberto Ambroggio: Perfil del poeta.”Alba de América, no. 35; “Tradicion e innovación en el diccionario académico,” Glosas, vol.8., no. 8; 2015; “Innovative Approaches to Teaching Spanish and Portuguese in the Twenty First Century, and More,” Hispania 98.2, 2015); and “Oraciones interrogativas directas” and “Oraciones interrogativas indirectas y otras estructuras,” Enciclopedia de lingüística hispánica, ed. Javier Gutiérrez Rexach, London: Routledge, 2016.

Kirsten Fisher (Biological Sciences), Claudia Kouyoumdjian (Child and Family Studies), Bidhan Roy (English), Valerie Talavera-Bustillos (Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies) and Michael Willard (Engagement, Service and the Public Good) authored an article, “Building a Culture of Transparency,” in Peer Review, published by the Association of American Colleges & Universities, vol. 18, no. 1/2, Winter/Spring 2016.

Frank A. Gomez (Chemistry and Biochemistry) authored the following papers, “A Microfluidic Galvanic Cell on a Single Layer of Paper,” with K.H. Purohit; S. Emrani; S. Rodriguez; S.-S. Liaw; V. Galvan; K. Domalaon; J.L.J. Haan, Power Sources, no. 318, pp. 163-169, 2016; “Microscale Bioanalysis,” with M. Knutsson and P. Timmerman, Bioanalysis, no. 8, pp. 859-862, 2016; and “Mixed Thread/Paper-Based Microfluidic Chips as a Platform for Glucose Assays,” with A. Gonzalez; L. Estala; M. Gaines; Electrophoresis, no. 37, pp. 1685-1690, 2016.

Steve LaDochy and Pedro Ramirez (Geosciences and Environment) authored a paper, entitled “Los Angeles’ Relocation Impacts Climatic and Weather Records,” with William Patzert and Josh Willis, in The California Geographer, vol. 55, no. 41-52, 2016.

William M. London (Public Health) and Deborah Schaeffer (University Library) authored the chapter, “Exploring the Influence of Health Information on Behavior Change,” for the American Council on Science and Health's book, Standing With Giants: A Collection of Public Health Essays in Memoriam to Dr. Elizabeth M. Whelan, 2016.

Adonia Lugo (Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies) co-edited a book, Bicycle Justice and Urban Transformation, published by Routledge, 2016.

Allison Mattheis (Applied and Advanced Studies in Education) authored an article, entitled "A Mashup of Policy Tools and CDA as a Framework for Educational Policy Inquiry,” in the journal, Critical Policy Studies, 2016.

Jamil Momand and Alison McCurdy (Chemistry and Biochemistry) coauthored a textbook intended for undergraduates, entitled Concepts in Bioinformatics and Genomics, with contributions by Silvia Heubach (Mathematics) and Nancy Warter-Perez (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Oxford University Press, July 2016.

James Rudd (Chemistry and Biochemistry) authored a peer-reviewed article, “Fostering Change from Within: Influencing Teaching Practices of Departmental Colleagues by Science Faculty with Education Specialties, with S.D. Bush, M.T. Stevens, K.D. Tanner, and K.S. Williams, in PLoS ONE, Mar. 8, 2016.

Matthias Selke (Chemistry and Biochemistry) coauthored a research paper, “Biosynthesized Gold Nanoclusters and Iron Complexes as Scaffolds for Multimodal Cancer Bioimaging,” that was published in Small, a Royal Society of Chemistry weekly journal in materials science, Sept. 27, 2016.