Additional Resources

This webpage provides additional resources, including meditations, podcasts, books, and articles, to help you deepen your enjoyment of the Janice Cordova Garden of Well-Being and learn about the healing benefits of nature.




Books and Audiobooks

  • Kabat-Zinn, Jon. Mindfulness for Beginners: Reclaiming the Present Moment and Your Life.
    • Meditation Is Not What You Think: Mindfulness and Why It Is So Important.
    • The Healing Power of Mindfulness: A New Way of Being.
  • Nhat Hahn, Thich. You Are Here: Discovering the Magic of the Present Moment.
  • Selhub, Eva. Your Brain on Nature.
  • Tolle, Eckhart. A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose.
    • The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment.
      • Practicing the Power of Now: Essential Teachings, Meditations, and Exercises from The Power of Now.
  • Williams, Florence. The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative.

The books included above are available through the Los Angeles Public Library.