Readmission Petition for Undergraduates

Be aware: If a student have been absent from Cal State LA for one semester or less after disqualification, please complete the Undergraduate Petition for Reinstatement from Disqualification. The completed reinstatement form should be emailed to the Registrar's Office ( for processing.

STUDENTS:  Please make an appointment to meet with an advisor for the major that you seek readmission. They will meet with you and proceed with the readmission petition as appropriate. If you are changing your major, your readmission petition must also be supported by your prior major department. For advisor contact emails, see Readmission Petition Appointments for Disqualified Students. Please do not attempt to submit this readmission petition on your own; it must be initiated and completed by your academic advisor.

ADVISORS:  After meeting with an undergraduate student who is interested in returning to Cal State LA after academic disqualification, please complete and submit the following documents to the Office of Admissions and Recruitment:

  1. Online Readmission Petition (with required signatures) - please confirm that the student has already re-applied for admission for the requested term via Cal State Apply;
  2. Student's written statement that explains (1) why they are now ready to return to the University, and (2) what they will do to ensure good academic progress towards the degree (attach the document during the online submission process); and
  3. If 2nd or subsequent request for readmission on special probation (e.g. has prior returns from disqualification), Dean’s letter of support. This also needs to be attached with the packet during the online submission process.

Incomplete packets will delay processing. The requested information and petition must be submitted by the desired admission term’s Readmission Petition Deadline. Readmission documents may be submitted online using the process below.

The ADVISOR is responsible for setting up the form for review and signatures. Once the packet is signed by all parties, a copy of the completed form and attachments will automatically be emailed to the Admissions Office, the student, the advisor, the department chair and if applicable, the College Dean. Please answer the questions below to begin the online Readmission Petition submission process:

Is the returning student requesting a change of major?
Is this the student's 2nd or subsequent readmission request on special probation?

1st readmission on special probation to the same major

  • Signatures Needed
    • Student
    • Advisor
    • Dept Chair or College DSSA

Proceed To The Form

1st readmission to a NEW major

  • Signatures Needed
    • Student
    • Advisor
    • Prior Department’s Chair or College DSSA
    • Dept Chair or College DSSA

Proceed to the Form

2nd+ readmission on special probation to the same major

  • Signatures Needed
    • Student
    • Advisor
    • Dept Chair or College DSSA
    • College Dean or Associate Dean

Proceed to the Form

2nd+ readmission on special probation to a NEW major

  • Signatures Needed
    • Student
    • Advisor
    • Prior Department’s Chair or College DSSA
    • Dept Chair or College DSSA
    • College Dean or Associate Dean

Proceed to the Form