Veteran/Military Admissions Information

Thanks to veterans and active duty military for your service!

Cal State LA thanks you for your service, and wishes you success as you continue your education.

What are the Cal State LA admissions requirements?

As part of our commitment to provide access to veterans, Cal State LA gives “Local Preference” to all military veterans applying to our undergraduate programs regardless of their school of origin. This Veterans category includes active-duty, reservists and National Guard. 
Depending on your background, you may apply as a First-time Freshman, Transfer Student, or Graduate Student.
  • If you have not completed any college units after high school graduation, you will need to enter the university as a First-time Freshman Student.
  • If you have completed college units after high school graduation, you will need to enter the university as a Transfer Student.
  • If you have completed a Bachelor’s degree and are pursuing graduate studies, you will need to enter the university as a Graduate Student.
If you would like to meet with an admissions advisor to learn next steps, please request a Pre-admission Advisement Appointment.

Additional Documents

After submitting your application, please submit discharge papers (Form DD 214) to the Office of Admissions and Recruitment. This should include descriptions of the types of training you received while in the service. Such training, in some cases, may count as credit transferable to Cal State LA. Veterans and active-duty military personnel also must be sure to include any military transcripts (e.g., AARTS, SMART, or Community College of the Air Force) displaying additional course work that may be transferable.

Veterans Resource Center (VRC)

Cal State LA is committed to ensuring that all qualified veterans and their dependents have equal access to an affordable, quality university education and experience. The Cal State LA Veterans Resource Center (VRC) strives to help veteran and active duty students navigate the certification process, make a seamless transition to university life, support their success on campus, and prepare them to reach their career and life goals. For more information, visit the Veterans Resource Center webpage, or via email at