Sponsors and Grants

California Air Resources Board  $2.7 M
United States Department of Energy  $475 K
South Coast Air Quality Management District    $250 K
Mobile Sources Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee   $250 K
The Ahmanson Foundation $200 K
Automobile Club of Southern California     $50 K
Kenneth Brasher (’62) Trust  
California State University, Los Angeles  
Fran Morris-Rosman and Richard Rosman  


2014 – 2017 CSULA Hydrogen Research and Fueling Facility Maintenance and Operations California Energy Commission $300K
2012 – 2017 CSULA Hydrogen Refueling Facility Performance Evaluation and Optimization Department of Energy (DOE) $400K
2016 – 2019 H2Ride Hydrogen Shuttle Bus Demonstration Project California Energy Commission $3M (Cal State LA 250K + 1M in 2 buses)


Please contact us with questions or inquiries about the Cal State LA Hydrogen Fueling and Research Facility.
Dr. David Blekhman at blekhman@calstatela.edu or Blake Cortis at bcortis2@calstatela.edu