Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering
My areas of interest include solid mechanics, dynamics, mechanical vibrations, and the finite element method. I taught undergraduate and graduate-level courses in these subjects at CSULA as a professor from 1979 to 2010. From 2016 to 2018, I taught ME 4230, Finite Element Analysis as a part-time lecturer. The ME Department offers programs towards Bachelor of Science degrees and Master of Science degrees in Mechanical Engineering.
I hold memberships in the following professional and two honor societies:
- ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers),
- Pi Tau Sigma (The Mechanical Engineering Honor Society),
- Tau Beta Pi (The National Engineering Honor Society). I was initiated by the California Epsilon Chapter.
I was a member of the CSULA teams that designed, analyzed, built, tested, and raced three solar-cell powered cars:
- the Solar Eagle car, in GM Sunrayce USA (1990) from Florida to Michigan,
- the Solar Eagle II car, in Sunrayce 93 from Texas to Minnesota,
- the Solar Eagle III car, in Sunrayce 97 (June 19-28, '97) from Indiana to Colorado. The Flight of the Solar Eagle III.
The first Solar Eagle car was on display at the Petersen Automotive Museum until 1997. The Solar Eagle II car is on display at the California Science Center.
The Solar Eagle III car finished in first place in Sunrayce 97!
The Solar Eagle III car driven by Roman Vasquez crosses the finish line in Colorado Springs followed by our "chase" vehicle in which I am riding with the "strategy" group of our team.
I worked on the structural analysis of the Solar Eagle III car. I have also been involved in weather and insolation forecasting for all three Solar Eagle projects.
I was born in Budapest, Hungary. I was raised and attended school in Munich, Germany, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Toronto, Canada, and Los Angeles. As my family moved from one country and language to the next, my first name changed, through translation, from "István," to "Stefan," to "Esteban," to the present "Stephen," or "Steve" for short. My last name is pronounced "fel-se-gie." When it is pronounced in Hungarian, the stress is on the first syllable, but, in English, I put the stress on the second syllable. Hungary celebrated in 1996 its millecentenary (896-1996).
Teaching Interests
My primary goal is to teach the subjects in my areas of interest from the viewpoint of what knowledge a potential engineering employer might expect from a new engineering graduate. Before I began teaching full time, I worked as a mechanical engineer for the Garrett Corporation (now Honeywell/Aerospace), where I analyzed and designed heat exchangers for aerospace applications, and the Hughes Aircraft Company (now merged with Raytheon), where I analyzed and designed tactical missile structures.
I began my teaching career as a part-time lecturer at the Univ. of Southern California where I taught for several years an undergraduate level dynamics course. Following this, and before coming to CSULA in 1979, I was a full-time lecturer at U. C. Santa Barbara where I taught for one year various undergraduate and graduate level courses in mechanics and engineering mathematics.
Representative Professional Activities
Year | Publications and Reports |
2023 | "Mechanics of Materials;" notes for the Aug. 12, 2023, FE/EIT Review Course class meeting. The notes are a supplement to the FE Reference Handbook, 10.3 Edition, for the Computer-Based Exam, NCEES, July 2023, pp. 130-142. Problems and Solutions. Select Problems solved with Mathcad. Additional Problems with Solutions. Practice Questions from 2017 (marked with short red lines). Answers to Practice Questions from 2017. |
2023 | "Notes on Dynamics;" the notes were prepared for the Aug. 5, 2023, FE/EIT Review Course class meeting. The notes are a supplement to the FE Reference Handbook, 10.3 Edition, for Computer-Based Testing, NCEES, July 2023, pp. 101-116. |
2023 |
Review problems on Dynamics for the FE/EIT Exam. The interactive review problems on the Ref. 1 Website have, unfortunately, gone "Out of Print," as stated on the Website. However, before this happened, I downloaded the problems into the file problems, and included in the file a list of needed corrections. My solutions to the problems are in the file solutions. NEW! A damped vibration problem and solution. Practice Questions from 2010 and 2017 (marked with short red lines). Answers to Practice Questions from 2010 and 2017. See also problems (marked with short red lines) from Ref. 2, and my solutions to the selected problems. Added: Work and Energy Problems (marked with short red lines) and Solutions. |
2023 | "Statics;" notes for the July 29, 2023, FE/EIT Review Course class meeting. The notes are a supplement to the FE Reference Handbook, 10.3 Edition, for the Computer-Based Exam, NCEES, July 2023, pp. 94-100. Problems and Solutions. Practice Questions from 2017 and 2010 (marked with short red lines). Answers to Practice Questions. Additional Problems with Solutions. |
2023 | "Mechanics of Materials;" notes for the Apr. 29 and May 6, 2023, FE/EIT Review Course class meetings. The notes are a supplement to the FE Reference Handbook, 10.2 Edition, for the Computer-Based Exam, NCEES, July 2022, pp. 130-142. Problems and Solutions. Practice Questions from 2017 (marked with short red lines) and Answers. Reinforced concrete beam problem and solution (also included in the notes). Additional Problems with Solutions. |
2023 | "Notes on Dynamics;" the notes were prepared for the Apr. 29, 2023, FE/EIT Review Course class meeting. The notes are a supplement to the FE Reference Handbook, 10.2 Edition, for the Computer-Based Exam, NCEES, July 2022, pp. 114-129. |
2023 |
Review problems on Dynamics for the FE/EIT Exam. Problems (marked with short red lines) from Ref. 1, and my solutions to the selected problems from Ref. 1. NEW! Work and Energy Problems (marked with short red lines) and Solutions.The interactive review problems on the Ref. 2 Website have, unfortunately, gone "Out of Print," as stated on the Website. However, before this happened, I downloaded the problems into the file problems, and included in the file a list of needed corrections. My solutions to the problems are in the file solutions. References: 1. Engineering Mechanics, Dynamics, 10th Edition, by R.C. Hibbeler, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004, pp. 655-670.2. McGraw-Hill Website. |
2022 | "Notes on Dynamics;" the notes were prepared for the Oct. 15, 2022, FE/EIT Review Course class meeting. The notes are a supplement to the FE Reference Handbook, 10.2 Edition, for the Computer-Based Exam, NCEES, July 2022, pp. 114-129. |
2022 |
Review problems on Dynamics for the FE/EIT Exam. Problems from Ref. 1, and my solutions to selected problems from Ref. 1.The interactive review problems on the Ref. 2 Website have, unfortunately, gone "Out of Print," as stated on the Website. However, before this happened, I downloaded the problems into the file problems, and included in the file a list of needed corrections. My solutions to the problems are in the file solutions. References: 1. Engineering Mechanics, Dynamics, 10th Edition, by R.C. Hibbeler, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004, pp. 655-670.2. McGraw-Hill Website. |
2022 | "Notes on Dynamics;" the notes were prepared for the July. 30, 2022, FE/EIT Review Course class meeting. The notes are a supplement to the FE Reference Handbook, 10.2 Edition, for Computer-Based Testing, NCEES, July 2022, pp. 114-129. |
2022 |
Review problems on Dynamics for the FE/EIT Exam. The interactive review problems on the Ref. 1 Website have, unfortunately, gone "Out of Print," as stated on the Website. However, before this happened, I downloaded the problems into the file problems, and included in the file a list of needed corrections. My solutions to the problems are in the file solutions. NEW! A damped vibration problem and solution. See also problems and answers from Ref. 2, and my solutions to selected problems from Ref. 2. |
2022 | "Notes on Dynamics;" the notes were prepared for the May 14, 2022, FE/EIT Review Course class meeting. The notes are a supplement to the FE Reference Handbook, 10.1 Edition, for the Computer-Based Exam, NCEES, July 2021, pp. 114-129. |
2022 |
Review problems on Dynamics for the FE/EIT Exam. Problems from Ref. 1, and my solutions to selected problems from Ref. 1.The interactive review problems on the Ref. 2 Website have, unfortunately, gone "Out of Print," as stated on the Website. However, before this happened, I downloaded the problems into the file problems, and included in the file a list of needed corrections. My solutions to the problems are in the file solutions. References: 1. Engineering Mechanics, Dynamics, 10th Edition, by R.C. Hibbeler, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004, pp. 655-670.2. McGraw-Hill Website. |
2020 | "Notes on Dynamics;" the notes were prepared for the Feb. 8, 2020, FE/EIT Review Course class meeting. The notes are a supplement to the FE Reference Handbook, 9.5 Version, for Computer-Based Testing, NCEES, 2018, pp. 77-84. |
2020 |
Review problems on Dynamics for the FE/EIT Exam. The interactive review problems on the Ref. 1 Website have, unfortunately, gone "Out of Print," as stated on the Website. However, before this happened, I downloaded the problems into the file problems, and included in the file a list of needed corrections. My solutions to the problems are in the file solutions. See also problems and answers from Ref. 2, and my solutions to selected problems from Ref. 2. |
2010 | "On Reforming the Teaching of Calculus to Engineering Students at CSULA," submitted to Associate Dean Don Maurizio, Feb. 8. |
2009 | "Questions and Answers on Nanotechnology," submitted to ME Chair Darrell Guillaume, Mar. 15. |
2008 | "The Design and Building of a Robot with Five Degrees of Freedom," Materials Science Forum, v. 594, pp. 110-118. (Lead author: Min-Chan Hwang) |
2007 | "The Design and Building of a Robot with Five Degrees of Freedom," Proceedings of ICAM 2007 (2007 International Conference on Advanced Manufacture), Nov. 26-28, Tainan, Taiwan. (Lead author: Min-Chan Hwang) |
2005 | "Steady-State Residual Vibrations in High-Speed, Dwell-Type, Rotating Disk Cam-Follower Systems," ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, v.127, n.1, p.12. |
1996 | "The Timoshenko Beam on an Elastic Foundation and Subject to a Moving Step Load, Part 1: Steady-State Solution, and Part 2: Transient Solution," ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, v.118, n.3, p.277. |
1994 | "Development of Biorthonormal Eigenvectors for Modal Analysis of Linear Discrete Nonclassically Damped Systems," Journal of Sound and Vibration, v.176, n.2, p.255. |
1993 | "On Uncoupling and Solving the Equations of Motion of Vibrating Linear Discrete Systems," ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, v.60, n.2, p.456. |
1989 | "The Development of Natural Modes of Free Vibration for Linear Discrete Systems from the Synchronous Motion Assumption," ASME Journal of Vibration, Acoustics, Stress and Reliability in Design, v.111, n.1, p.77. |
Educational Background
Ph.D. Applied Mechanics 1974
Ph.D. Dissertation: "Response of a Viscoelastic Cylindrical Shell to a Moving Axisymmetric Step Pressure."
Committee Co-Chairmen: Profs. Werner Goldsmith (ME) and Jerome L. Sackman (CE).
M.S. Mechanical Engineering 1963
M.S. Thesis: "Shock Response of an Elastoplastic System to Random Rectangular Pulse Excitation."
Advisor: Prof. William T. Thomson
B.S. Mechanical Engineering (With Honors) 1961
End-of-Page Trivia
The World-Clock
These are the five flags I have lived under, arranged geographically.
Good-bye! S.F.F | Auf Wiedersehen! S.F. | ||
So long! S.F.F. | Viszontlátásra! F.I. | ||
¡Hasta la vista! E.F. |