Cal State LA Students selected as Fulbright Semi-Finalists

February 14, 2020

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program reviews thousands of applications each year. Through the Fulbright program, students across the United States are able to present their proposals for studying, researching, or teaching English abroad. The application process is extensive and a labor of dedication and love. The benefits, and opportunity, that come with being a Fulbright Scholar are incalculable. Across the nation, the Fulbright review committees select only a few applicants to be "Recommended", and those students move forward in the process. Recommended students are semi-finalists, which is a prestigious and honorable achievement of its own. Semi-finalist applications then face review committees within the host country of their proposal, and may lead to being named a Finalist for that award cycle.

Cal State LA is very proud to have four students that were Recommended, and therefore named as Fulbright Semi-Finalists for the 2020-2021 award cycle. We congratulate them and wish them the best as they move on to the next step of the Fulbright evaluation process! Their projects exemplify the creativity and diversity of thought that is nourished within the Cal State LA majors and colleges.

Below are three of the four Cal State LA student applicants*; they represent different majors and colleges on campus, including the Honors College and Early Entrance Program:

Picture of Paula
   Fulbright Semi-Finalist for English Teaching Assistant (ETA) in Brazil
   Latin American Studies, MA Program, Class of 2020
   College of Natural & Social Sciences

Picture of Anthony
   Fulbright Semi-Finalist for Study/Research in Greece
   English, BA Program, Class of 2019
   College of Arts & Letters

Picture of Sarah
   Fulbright Semi-Finalist for Study/Research in New Zealand
   Biochemistry and Biology minor, BS Program, Class of 2020
   College of Natural & Social Sciences


For more information on The Fulbright US Student Program and the Cal State LA campus deadlines, please contact Jessica Rodriguez (Fulbright Program Advisor & Scholarships/Fellowships Coordinator) at

*The fourth Fulbright Semi-Finalist at Cal State LA would like to remain anonymous, and is not pictured or mentioned above for private reasons.