OSD Instructor Portal


The OSD Instructor Portal is designed for instructors to easily view and manage accommodation requests by students with disabilities. The portal allows faculty to:

  • View a list of all students with accommodations in their course(s)
  • Search and sort students by course
  • Search students by type of accommodation/eligibility
  • View notification of accommodations letters for students
  • Complete and view testing agreements for exams proctored at OSD
  • View class notes provided for students receiving note-taking assistance

Please note that emails from the Portal will come from Accessible Information Management, noreply@yukon.accessiblelearning.com. Please add this email to your address book or create an email filter to avoid missing important messages from us.

OSD Instructor Portal

Using the Portal

Log in with your MyCalStateLA ID and password.

Review the confidentiality information and select Continue to View Student Accommodations.

Screenshot of Access Policy message on instructor profile with a red box around the Continue to View Student Accommodations option.


On the Overview page, you will be able to review the names of students in your courses and the accommodations assigned by our office.

NOTE: If a student asks you for an accommodation not visible anywhere in the portal, contact our office. 

View Accommodation Letter 

Select View next to a student’s name to access their notification letter listing all their accommodations. 

Screenshot of overview instructor page with student accommodation information and a red box around the View option next to one of the students.

Filter by Category

On the left-hand side, select an accommodation category for a list of students who have requested these accommodations.

Screenshot of Home section of instructor profile with red box around the options for Alternative Testing, Communication Access, and Notetaking Services.

Filter by Course

To filter by course, select Refine Search and inserting the class on the page that follows.

Screenshot of instructor profile overview with red box around Refine Search option.

Specifying Your Alternative Testing Agreement 

Select Alternative Testing from the left-hand menu.

Screenshot of Home section of instructor profile with red box around the options for Alternative Testing, Communication Access, and Notetaking Services.

Option 1 – I Will Accommodate and Proctor My Own Exams

If you will be proctoring your own exams, or if there are no exams for your course:
Click Courses without Alternative Testing Agreement.

Screenshot of the Alternative testing agreement with red box around the Courses without Alternative Testing Agreement

Find the course you are searching for, then select Specify Alternative Testing Agreement.

Screenshot of Course red box around specify Alternative Testing Agreement option.

Make the appropriate selection, select Confirm to Proceed, then click Submit Your Selection at the bottom of the page. 

Screenshot of instructor portal page with box around option that says "Option 3: OSD Will Proctor Exams"

Option 2 - Exams Proctored by OSD Alternative Testing Center

If you would like the OSD Alternative Testing Center to proctor exams on your behalf, complete and submit the Alternative Testing Agreement for the course. This template provides our office with proctoring instructions, including the best way to contact you/the instructor, and/or TA for questions during the exam, standard class time and exam dates, allowed materials, and other exam-related instructions for our office.
Completion of this template is required at minimum 7 days in advance for students to test with the OSD Alternative Testing Center.
Only one Alternative Testing Agreement per course per semester is needed. The system generates a copy of this template for all students registered in the course who request to use testing accommodations.
If the template was previously filled out by following the link provided in the Notification of Academic Support Services letter, then you do not need to complete it within the online portal.
Select your response and enter your phone number:

Screen Shot of Part one of the Alternative Testing Agreement Lists of questions.
Screenshot of Contact Information section on Course Instruction Template.
Specifying Exam Dates

You can enter all exam dates for your course in a calendar format. When students enter their exam requests, they will have the option to choose from your list of exam dates or to enter their own dates.
Note: Students requesting to take an exam at an alternate date or time must provide written approval from you (the instructor).

Select the allowed materials for that exam. For specific instructions, add them to the Additional Comment section. 

Screenshot of Exam date details section of instructor profile Screenshot of list of exam instruction questions

The Alternative Testing Coordinator will follow up if any additional information is needed.

Reviewing the Alternative Testing Agreement and Students’ Exam Requests

If you have selected Option 3, you can then use the portal to review the submitted Alternative Testing agreement and make any necessary changes.  Visit the Alternative Testing Agreement section of your instructor portal, find the course, and click View/Modify Alternative Testing Agreement.

Screenshot of the View and Modify Alternative Testing Agreement option on instructor profile.

You can also review student exam requests and upload exams for specific exam dates. To upload an exam, go to Alternative Testing > Upcoming Exams > Upcoming Exams Scheduled > Upcoming Exam File Upload. Select the checkbox for the corresponding students and exam date, and then click Upload File

Screenshot of Upload Exam

Note: If you receive the message Unable to Find Courses in Current Term when you select Alternative Testing, it means that students have not yet made any exam requests for your course. Please keep in mind that this may change as the semester progresses.
If you run into any issues or need assistance, please reach out to the Alternative Testing Coordinator at OSDTesting@calstatela.edu.


Contact our office at 323-343-3140 or email osd@calstatela.edu.