A&L Performing Arts Facilities

The College of Arts and Letters houses performance venues that support the academic performances scheduled by the Department of Theatre and Dance and the Department of Music.  These facilities are booked with priority given to academic activites and related production support. All other uses are scheduled through A&L Productions. 

Theatres and Performance Venues

Classroom Facilities

Dance Studios

image forthcoming

Band Room (MUS 150)

image forthcoming

Movement Studio (MUS 214)

image forthcoming

Performance Support Facilities

Production Support Spaces

image forthcoming


Music Support Spaces

image forthcoming

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5151 State University Drive, Los Angeles, CA  90032
Office:  Theatre Arts Building, TA-204
Phone:  323-343-4133     Fax:  323-343-5565
Email: epietrzak@calstatela.edu / pts@calstatela.edu