The SEM equipment available in E&T building room C164A is as follows:
FEI Axia ChemiSEM LoVAC Scanning Electron Microscope
The Axia ChemiSEM always collects EDS data constantly in the background. It uses unique algorithms to process the SEM and EDS signals simultaneously, allowing it to display the morphology and quantitative elemental makeup of a sample together, in real-time. It constantly processes EDS data in the background, and provides live updates on elemental data, as it is acquired. Elements found in the sample can be toggled on and off, to isolate areas of interest. The Axia ChemiSEM features a superior user experience enhanced by automation, such as SmartAlign technology, and live quantitative EDS mapping. It consists of a High-performance thermal emission SEM column with dual-anode source emission geometry and fixed objective aperture and through-the-lens differential pumping.
Electron Beam Resolution:
Large TrueSight EDS detector
Quasor-II EBSD
ChemiSEM Advanced Technology
Photon cathodoluminescence detector
Clean Heater stage (up to 1,100°C)
4 axis motorized stage
Max. sample height: 128 mm
Max. sample weight: 10 kg
FEI Quanta 200 Scanning Electron Microscope
The Quanta 200 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is a versatile, high-performance instrument with three modes (high vacuum, low vacuum, and ESEM) to accommodate the widest range of samples of any SEM system. The electron beam in this instrument is generated by a conventional tungsten filament electron source, which, under optimal conditions, is capable of resolving features as small as 3 nm. The Quanta is equipped with standard Secondary Electron (SE) and Back Scatter Electron (BSE) detectors, in addition to an Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDS) detector and an internal TV camera.
High-performance thermal emission SEM column with dual-anode source emission geometry, fixed objective aperture, and through-the-lens differential pumping.
Accelerating Voltage: 200V to 30kV.
Electron Beam Resolution:
4 axis motorized stage
Image processor: up to 4096x3536 pixels