Graduate Thesis, Project, and Dissertation Guidelines

Formatting and Submission

All students who complete a thesis or dissertation, and some students who complete a project report, will submit their manuscripts to the Graduate Resource Center for approval. Students will work with the GRC to format the document while they work with their committee to draft the content. Students are encouraged to watch the Thesis Formatting and Submission webinar recording, download the presentation slides, and join the GRC Canvas Course to receive reminders about the deadlines.

Submission Deadlines

Students may submit their thesis, project report, or dissertation for approval during the fall, spring, or summer terms. Students must meet the deadlines during the term they plan to submit their document for approval.


Deadline 1: April 25, 2025
Deadline 2: May 2, 2025
Deadline 3:  May 16, 2025

Master's students must schedule a "Thesis Review" appointment in Navigate to receive format feedback on an early version of the thesis or project report draft. EdD and AuD students will schedule a "Doctoral Dissertation Review" appointment in Navigate to receive feedback from the GRC Coordinator. Drafts are reviewed only for format requirements, not content.

Prepare for your appointment:

  • Complete one or two chapters of your manuscript
  • Merge your manuscript into the template
  • Bring questions about formatting and submission procedures to discuss with your Thesis Reviewer

Schedule an appointment now.

Master's and doctoral candidates must upload their drafts to ProQuest for official review. 

Prepare to upload:

  • Before you upload, incorporate the format feedback you received in the preliminary review appointment
  • Finish writing your content by this deadline so that you can upload a complete draft for official review. You can continue to edit your content after this deadline.
  • Keep the PDF of instructions open while you work in ProQuest.

ProQuest Instructions  

Upload to ProQuest now  

Master's and doctoral candidates must upload their final drafts to ProQuest and submit their signed GS-13 form to The GS-13 form is the approval page for all theses, dissertations, and project reports that are submitted to the Graduate Resource Center (GRC). Committee members can sign off on a student's GS-13 form as soon as the student has finalized all content edits. Students must submit the GS-13 form after the committee-approved final draft is uploaded to ProQuest.


  • All edits requested by your committee members must be finalized on this date.
  • Continue to work with your Thesis Reviewer on format edits. Only your content needs to be finalized by this date.

Complete the digital GS-13 form.

SemesterDeadline 1Deadline 2Deadline 3
Spring 2025April 25, 2025May 2, 2025May 16, 2025
Summer 2025July 25, 2025August 1, 2025August 8, 2025
Fall 2025November 21, 2025December 5, 2025December 12, 2025

Format Resources

The Format Checklist outlines all of the requirements that the GRC will review in your document. Go through the items in the checklist before your preliminary review appointment.

The format for your headings, subheadings, citations, and references will be determined by your style guide. Format resources for these elements are linked below.

APA Style

MLA Style

Chicago Style

IEEE Style

We can be flexible with the formatting of headings and subheadings within your chapters but be consistent in how you format each type of heading. All level-1 headings should be formatted the same, all level-2 headings should be formatted the same, etc.

APA Style Quick Guide (Cal State LA Library)

APA Style (Purdue OWL)

MLA Style Quick Guide (Cal State LA Library)

MLA Style (Purdue OWL) 

Chicago Style Quick Guide (Cal State LA Library)

Chicago Style (Purdue OWL)

Visit the Cal State LA Library website on Writing and Citing, or the Purdue OWL website for additional citation and reference resources.


Students can receive formatting support on their thesis or project report by scheduling an appointment or by dropping in.

Make an Appointment

Sign in to your MyCalStateLA portal and open NavigateLA. Click the blue "Get Assistance" button and select "Thesis Review" as the service.

*Before making an appointment, complete one or two chapters and merge your draft into the appropriate template.

Thesis Review Hours (Spring 2025 Coming Soon)
DaysVirtual AppointmentsIn-Person Drop-Ins
Monday 10:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. with Anthony
Tuesday 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. with Javier
Wednesday 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. with Nataly
Thursday 11:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Email Us

Email questions about formatting and submission to

Frequently Asked Questions

All students who complete a thesis or dissertation must submit their final draft to the GRC for approval by the posted deadlines. Some students who complete a project report will submit to the GRC for approval. Students completing a project report in the following programs or Colleges do not submit to the GRC for approval:

  • College of Business and Economics
  • College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology
  • School of Social Work
  • Criminalistics, MS program
  • Latin American Studies program
  • Sociology (portfolio option)

Students can meet with any Reviewer for formatting feedback.

The deadlines are structured in a way to make the format and submission process as smooth as possible for students. Missing the first deadline means you will have more format corrections to make closer to the end of the semester. Students must meet the second and third deadlines to be eligible for graduation.

There are a few rare circumstances where we cannot approve a thesis, project report, or dissertation, including:

  • when a student conducts human or animal subjects research without IRB or IACUC approval
  • when a student doesn't submit a signed GS-13 form
  • when a student doesn't make requested format edits that come from the GRC

In your last term, attend a thesis formatting and submission workshop or webinar. In those sessions, we cover everything you need to know about requirements, deadlines, and procedures. We also encourage you to join the GRC Canvas Course to receive email announcements with tips and reminders about deadlines and procedures.

Students in the joint doctoral program in Special Education should email during their final term at UCLA to notify the GRC Coordinator that they will be finishing the program. Students will submit the UCLA-approved version of the dissertation to Cal State LA. Deadlines will vary.