Support the Library
The University Library is central to the successful achievement of Cal State LA’s mission of cultivating and amplifying our students’ unique talents, diverse life experiences, and intellect through engaged teaching, learning, scholarship, research and public service. Four foundational strategic directions – discover, create, engage and transform – provide the framework for our decision-making as we guide the future direction of the University Library and develop pioneering ways to transform the library’s role as the platform for student success and faculty innovation.
Your support of Cal State LA’s University Library helps us to be responsive and dynamic as we continuously adapt to changing user needs and expectations. The areas below are several ways your contribution can help transform the learning experience of our students and enhance the teaching capacity of our faculty.
Transforming the university library

Since 1958 the University Library has served as the hub of knowledge for the Cal State LA campus and has housed the library’s staff and general collections while providing students a place to study. Today, it is a multi-faceted point of convergence that includes student study space, faculty offices, and much more. In 2018 the university began a process to re-envision the library as more than an information resource or study space. The library’s Master Plan will recast the library as a transformative catalyst for students that advances intellectual discovery, enhances learning, and fosters a strong, shared sense of community. Your support will be central to our realization of the Master Plan. Please contact Carlos Rodríguez, Dean of the University Library, or Jim Loduha, Director of Development, below for more information about our vision or to tour parts of the library that have already been transformed.
Library Annual Fund
Your gift to the Library’s annual fund allows us to address critical current needs such as providing services and tools both online and in the building that are easy to find, access and use. Your contributions also help us develop dynamic collections for our student and faculty research needs, and allow us to introduce new services and technologies that support engaged learning, research, creation and innovation. Give now, and make sure to select “University Library” from the drop-down list.
Give nowGifts of Books
Gifts of books or other materials can enhance the Library’s impressive collections. Books must align with current Cal State LA curriculum. Learn more about donating books or other materials for our collections.

The Special Collections & Archives at Cal State LA supports the discovery, learning and engagement goals of the university by identifying, acquiring, preserving and providing access to primary and rare research materials, manuscripts, photographs and other special materials. These collections offer unique opportunities for our students, faculty and the scholarly community at large. Learn more about our Special Collections & Archives.
To explore giving opportunities that can strengthen our Special Collections & Archives, please contact Azalea Camacho, Archivist and Special Collections Librarian at (323) 343-3977.
Give Now
Thank you for your interest in supporting the University Library at Cal State LA. Please give now.
Contact Us
Juan Carlos Rodríguez
Dean, University Library
(323) 343-3953
Jonathan De Leon
Major Gift Officer, University Advancement
(323) 343-3043