BA Requirements


The Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science requires the completion of 14 courses. Seven courses are part of the mandatory core, and seven are electives, selected in accordance with each student's choice of option. It is recommended that 2000-level and 3000-level requirements are completed prior to enrolling in 4000-level courses.


The core requirements for all students in the major are as follows:

Introductory Courses 

  • POLS 1000 - Power, Politics, and Engagement in U.S. Government
  • POLS 2810 - Quantitative Research Design in Political Science

Foundations Courses 

  • POLS 3710 - Foundations of American Politics 
  • POLS 3720 - Foundations of Political Theory 
  • POLS 3730 - Foundations of Comparative Politics 
  • POLS 3740 - Foundations of Global Politics 

The Capstone Course

  • The Senior Capstone Seminar (POLS 4980 or 4981 or 4982)


In addition to the core requirements, all students must choose one of the four options offered in the BA program. Each option is adapted to a different objective, as described below, and includes a different program of electives. For each option, we provide a "course planner," listing the required courses, and "roadmaps" that indicate which courses to take each semester in order to graduate on time (with separate roadmaps for four-year students and for two-year transfer students). Students with questions should contact the Political Science Department Chair or the NSS Advising Center

Need Help?

Please consult the sources below to ensure the timely completion of all graduation requirements. Current information on the BA program can always be found in the online University Catalog.

Advisors in the NSS Academic Advisement Center can review the current requirements of the major and help develop a course plan for each semester. The department chair is also available to provide advisement on all issues.

Information on applying for graduation (a necessary step to receive your degree) is available from the University Graduation Office. Students should apply during the semester preceding their planned completion of studies.