We are creating a math alumni database to showcase your achievement and to connect you with our current math ITEP majors for possible advice from the field/mentorship in the field. Your help with this venture is greatly appreciated. Your name: Preferred contact email (If you choose to be a mentor below, this will be the email your mentees will contact you at): Year you graduated: Degree/option: If you are working as a full-time teacher, please provide the information below: Name of your school: Semester you joined: Are you willing to mentor our current math majors? Select all that you can do below: I can provide email advice to our math ITEP majors I can present at teacher talk events at math department I can be a mentor teacher to field experience course (Math 3950-3960) students I am not available If you are not working as a teacher, what is your current occupation: Please upload a good resolution HEADSHOT of you which we can post on our MSTI ALUMNI DATABASE along with your degree/graduation date/occupation. If you would rather not include your picture, do not upload it. One file only.256 MB limit.Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png. CAPTCHA