The Center for Effective Teaching and Learning (CETL) promotes teaching as an area of practice and scholarship for all faculty, in fulfillment of professional growth and the broader university mission. By growing a culture of teaching excellence, CETL improves the lives of a unique population of Cal State LA students. Also, CETL provides a variety of programming that addresses accessibility, such as equity and inclusion, Universal Design for Learning, low bandwidth and asynchronous teaching models, etc.

The Center for Effective Teaching and Learning promotes teaching as an area of practice. The CSU is based upon the teacher-scholar model. CETL consults with Cal State L.A. faculty who want to broaden their teaching and participate in the scholarship of teaching and learning. By growing a teaching culture on campus, we hope to increase the quality of student learning.

CETL professional development opportunities include faculty learning communities (FLCs); professional development for chairs; Course Redesigns for departments; one-on-one coaching and technology support; and training workshops for instructional technologies, including the campus learning management system, Canvas. We encourage all faculty to email us at cetl@calstatela.edu for questions about teaching practice and cetltech@calstatela.edu for questions about educational technology (Canvas, Zoom, etc.). 

The CETL Main Offices are located in Fine Arts 138. The CETL Annex is located at Library South, Room 3074.