ECST faculty share a passion with our students to commit to excellence and engage in community through research. Engineering a solution for not only today's problems but tomorrow's possibilities.
Faculty Research Labs
- Environmental Sustainability and Pollution Control (ESPC) Research Lab ‒ Dr. Arezoo Khodayari, CE
- Geotech Research Lab - Dr. Welson Kwan and Dr. Mark Tufenkjian, CE
- Hydrology and Water Resources Lab ‒ Dr. Sonya Lopez, CE
- Shake Table for Seismic Simulation and Vibration Testing ‒ Dr. Tonatiuh Rodrigues-Nikl, Dr. Maryam Nazari, CE
- Sustainable Infrastructures Materials Research Lab (SIM-Lab) ‒ Dr. Mehran Mazari, CE
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Research Lab ‒ Dr. Mohammad Pourhomayoun, CS
- Computational Molecular Biology (COMB) Lab - Dr. Negin Forouzesh, CS
- The Experience Lab ‒ Dr. David Krum, CS
- Network Research Lab ‒ Dr. Huping Guo, Dr. Jiang Guo, Dr. Zilong Ye, Dr. Yuquing Zhu, CS
- Visual Media Lab ‒ Dr. Eun-Young Elaine Kang, CS
- Machine Learning and Sensing Lab ‒ Dr. Navid Amini, CS
- Internet of Things Research Lab (IoT) - Dr. Jung Soo Lim, Dr. Manveen Kaur, CS
- Aerodynamics and Optimization Laboratory ‒ Dr. Jim Kuo, ME and MSE
- Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Laboratory ‒ Dr. Mohsen Eshraghi, MSE and ME
- Applied Injury Biomechanics Lab ‒ Dr. David Raymond, ME
- Bio-Nano Materials and Interfaces Lab - Dr. Travis S. Hu, ME
- BioTiM: Biomedical engineering of soft Tissue and implants Modelling ‒ Dr. Mathias Brieu, ME and MSE
- Combustion Lab ‒ Dr. Jeffery Santner, ME
- High-Temperature Materials Laboratory, Dr. Adel Sharif, ME and MSE
- Mad Scientists Laboratory, Dr. Samuel Landsberger, ME
- Multi-Physics in Robotics Laboratory ‒ Dr. Arman Pazouki, ME
- Robotics Laboratory ‒ Dr. He Shen, ME
- Sustainable Technology Lab ‒ Dr. John Christopher Bachman, ME
- Thermo-fluids Systems Laboratory ‒ Dr. Arturo Pacheco-Vega, ME

Sikand SITI-Center
The Sikand SITI-Center enables the creation of infrastructure and an ecosystem to support many faculty members and helps to facilitate the process of pre and post-awards. The center director and staff will make sure that faculty can focus on their research and produce valuable scientific outcomes (with the engagement of undergraduate and graduate students) while relying on a research infrastructure within the College. Visit the Sikand SITI Center.
Interdisciplinary Research Centers
Cal State LA offers students a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary research opportunities. This allows students to explore a subject by drawing on various perspectives and methodologies from other disciplines.
The concept of sustainable energy research, as realized by CEaS, involves a multi-disciplinary effort to address issues of making existing energy technologies more efficient while pursuing emerging alternate energy technologies that are not reliant on fossil fuels. We conduct transformative research to promote energy diversity, efficiency, and sustainability while training diverse and talented engineers and scientists to catalyze change in this field. We also engage policymakers, schools, and the public to ensure that technological advances are robust, widely understood, and adopted. Visit NSF-CREST Center for Energy and Sustainability.
The Sikand SITI-Center enables the creation of infrastructure and an ecosystem to support many faculty members, and help to facilitate the process of pre and post-awards. The center director and staff will make sure that faculty can focus on their research and producing valuable scientific outcomes (with the engagement of undergraduate and graduate students) while relying on a research infrastructure within the College. Visit the Sikand SITI Center.
California State University, Los Angeles (Cal State LA) and the Molecular Software Sciences Institute (MolSSI) at Virginia Tech collaborate to incorporate machine learning techniques in molecular simulation research and develop innovative pedagogical materials to train early-stage undergraduate students in computational science. The Cal State LA - MolSSI Partnership for Research and Education in Chemistry Pathway to Diversity Program (PREC) is funded by the National Science Foundation.
Cal State LA-MoISSI PREC aims to significantly contribute to the recruitment and training of the next generation of molecular simulation scientists, who will require a deep understanding of physical and chemical principles and computational techniques.
The NASA DIRECT-STEM Program has an overarching goal of recruiting highly competitive, historically under-represented students, giving them direct NASA research experience in scientific computing and data analysis, and inspiring them to become future leaders in STEM-related professions. Visit NASA DIRECT STEM.
The Cal State LA PREM program, in partnership with the MRSEC Center for Nanoscale Science at Penn State University (PSU), enhances the research and education of students in materials science and engineering at Cal State LA. Its focus is on mentoring, guiding, and training undergraduate and master’s students for careers in the field via a comprehensive scientific and educational program. Research projects students undertake provide them a broad interdisciplinary experience in materials science in chemistry, physics, and mechanical engineering thereby reflecting the current research and development industrial environment. The newly established Master’s of Science Degree in Materials Science and Engineering will serve as a bridge for Cal State LA students to continue on to Ph.D. studies at PSU or other leading institutions, or seek employment in the field after graduation. Visit PREM Cal State LA.
California State University – Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (CSU-LSAMP), is a comprehensive, statewide program dedicated to broadening participation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. It is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Office of the CSU Chancellor. Initiated in 1993-94, the CSU-LSAMP Alliance currently consists of all 23 campuses of the CSU. The types of activities offered to support each objective (listed below) have consistently been shown to facilitate the retention and progression of underrepresented minority (URM) students in STEM and represent a set of well-established "best practices." In the current Senior Phase (internally known as Phase V), substantial emphasis has been placed on engaging students in research activities and activities designed to enhance graduate school preparedness. CSU, Los Angeles (Cal State LA) currently has one of the largest LSAMP programs, with over 500 students participating each year. The CSU-LSAMP @ Cal State LA is supported by significant funding from the College of Natural and Social Sciences and the College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology at Cal State LA. The program is open to all undergraduates majoring in the STEM disciplines and who plan to graduate in a timely fashion in a STEM discipline and then move into the STEM workforce. Visit Cal State LA LSAMP
ECST Makerspace

The ECST Makerspace encourages the thinkers & doers of the future by pushing boundaries to support student experimentation, innovation, and application. It has facilities for design and ideation, prototyping, computer-aided design and simulation, manual and CNC machining, laser cutting, waterjet cutting, and welding. In addition, workshops are provided by faculty, staff, and lecturers. Check out the ECST Makerspace YouTube channel.

Hydrogen Research and Fueling Facility
The Cal State LA Hydrogen Research and Fueling Facility (H2 Station) is the nation's largest university-located hydrogen fueling facility. It is capable of producing hydrogen on-site from renewable energy sources, using the process known as electrolysis. FCEVs' fueling at the station emits only water vapor emissions! The station is available to Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs).