Faculty Web Directory

Name Department Email
Abdullah, Melina Department of Pan-African Studies mabdull2@exchange.calstatela.edu
Abed, Mohammed Department of Philosophy mabed@exchange.calstatela.edu
Acevedo, Emily Department of Political Science eaceved3@calstatela.edu
Adachi, Joshua Extended Education jadachi2@ad.calstatela.edu
Adamian, Martin Political Science madamia2@exchange.calstatela.edu
Afary, Kamran Department of Communication Studies kafary@calstatela.edu
Aguilar-Moreno, Manuel Department of Art maguila2@calstatela.edu
Akis, Vladimir Mathematics vakis@exchange.calstatela.edu
Alenkin, Nikola Department of Social Work nalenki@exchange.calstatela.edu
Allen, Robert Department of Communication Studies rallen@exchange.calstatela.edu
Altschuler, Joanne School of Social Work jaltsch@exchange.calstatela.edu
Alvarez, Evelyn Public Health evelyna@calstatela.edu
Alvarez, Thomas Department of History Thomas.Alvarez16@calstatela.edu
Amenero, Jose EOP -Summer Bridge Jose.Amenero2@calstatela.edu
Amini, Navid Chair of Invention and Patent Evaluation Committee
Anagnoson, Ted Political Science tanagno@calstatela.edu
Anderson, Frederick School of Social Work fanders@calstatela.edu
Anderson, Jeff English Jeffery.Anderson25@calstatela.edu
Angelo, Gretchen Department of Modern Languages & Literatre gangelo2@exchange.calstatela.edu
Aniol, Konrad Department of Physics and Astronomy kaniol@exchange.calstatela.edu
Arslan, Nicole Department of English Nicole.Arslan2@calstatela.edu
Arvedson, Paula Division of Curriculum & Instruction parveds@exchange.calstatela.edu
Aryal, Arun Information Systems aaryal@calstatela.edu
Auwal, Mohammad Department of Communication Studies mauwal@calstatela.edu
Avery, Zanj Engr Comp Sci & Tech--Dean zavery@exchange.calstatela.edu
Awad, M. Hassan Management mawad5@calstatela.edu
Baaske, Kevin Department of Communication Studies kbaaske@calstatela.edu
Bachman, John Christopher College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology Chris.Bachman@calstatela.edu
Bahrami, Bita Biological Sciences Bbahram4@calstatela.edu
Bai, Chunsheng Department of Communication Studies cbai@exchange.calstatela.edu
Baker, Beth Department of Anthropology bbakerc@calstatela.edu
Balaguer, Mark Department of Philosophy mbalagu@exchange.calstatela.edu
Balan, Shilpa Information Systems sbalan@calstatela.edu
Baler, Pablo Department of Modern Languages & Literatures pbaler@exchange.calstatela.edu
Banerjee, Somak Marketing sbanerj3@calstatela.edu
Barbour, Ann Curriculum and Instruction abarbou@exchange.calstatela.edu
Belan, William Department of Music wbelan@exchange.calstatela.edu
Bellman, Beryl Department of Communication Studies bbellma@exchange.calstatela.edu
Benedict, Jeffrey Department of Music jbenedi@exchange.calstatela.edu
Beringhele, Vincent Athletics Department vbering@exchange.calstatela.edu