Bloom's Level

Quick Links to Activities by Bloom's Level

How to use this Repository 

For an aligned course, select activities that match an objective or component in your course. 

Select an activity below based on: 

  • an objective's verb's level in the Cognitive Domain of the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy
  • or the exact verb of the activity

6: Create

Use the objective's verb to locate an activity or browse
Verb Activity
Create (Generate) Teach the Class or Present Info Back
Create (Generate) Create / Write a Research Paper
Create (Design) Create a Prototype
Create (Write) Create / Write a Business Plan
Create (Conduct) Conduct a Community-Based Project
Create (Craft) Create an Artifact

5: Evaluate

Use the objective's verb to locate an activity or browse
Verb Activity
Evaluate Evaluate a Case Study
Evaluate / Critique Evaluate a Work with a Critique
Conclude Peer Review
Conclude  Pose Fairness Questions
Conclude Pose Significance Questions

4: Analyze

Use the objective's verb to locate an activity or browse
Verb Activity
Differentiate Pose Breadth Questions
Attribute Pose Relevance Questions
Organize Organize Concepts in a Concept Map
Plot (Organize) Plot a Time line
Draw (Examine) Draw a Venn Diagram
Analyze  Analyze a Concept in a Spider Map
Diagram (Analyze) Diagram a Process with a Cycle

3: Apply

Use the objective's verb to locate an activity or browse
Verb Activity
Implement (Perform) Scavenger Hunt
Execute Roleplay Discussion
Perform (Write) Write a Quiz Question

2: Understand

Use the objective's verb to locate an activity or browse
Verb Activity
Describe Pose Precision Questions

Biographical Introductions

Explain Share Personal and Professional Experience
Infer Pose Accuracy Questions
Infer Pose Depth Questions
Infer Pose Logic Questions
Infer Think, Survey, Share 
Infer See-Think-Wonder
Summarize Written Reflection
Summarize One-Minute Papers

1: Remember

Use the objective's verb to locate an activity or browse
Verb Activity
Recall Practice Quiz as a Formative Assessment
Recall Reading Quiz
State Pose Clarity Questions
State Feedback Survey